Democrats running in 2021 on fear, Trump, fake racism, and more Trump

One year after Joe Biden won the presidency by dodging interviews, debates, and proposing as little policy as possible to instead divert all attention on Trump being bad and Biden being not-Trump, the former Democrat Governor of Virginia Terry McAuliffe is running for the position again (Virginia has a law that you can’t run for Governor in two back to back terms) is running on a very similar strategy and still all about Trump. Which would be strange if Democrats cared about issues in their state and not a perpetual orange-man-bad offensive strategy, but since that’s still their top concern – that’s the candidates top concern.

Earlier this month, McAuliffe mentioned Trump 18 times in a 12 minute CNN interview.

A few days ago in a single speech for McCauliffe, Biden mentioned Trump 24 times.

In virtually every appearance, candidate McCauliffe and surrogate Democrats supporting him not only keep bringing up Donald Trump, but use the majority of their time to focus exclusively on the former President instead of the candidate they’re running against. The problem is that while the Democrat party remains obsessed with Trump, it hasn’t been working as a focus to convince voters to support McCauliffe, so one day before election day – McCauliffe attempted to reverse course on the messaging

CNN was even snarkier about the messaging flip on the air:

This somewhat offhand comment is being blown out of proportion by the press to suggest that McAuliffe’s tossing his entire campaign strategy out the window in the final hours. He isn’t. He’s still laser-focused on Trump, knowing that scaring Democrats about Glenn Youngkin may be the only way he can get them off the couch and to the polls.

What’s interesting to me is that it was CNN that dinged him for it, not Fox News. The media is liberal but they can smell the panic from McAuliffe’s campaign lately and can’t resist a storyline that communicates his desperation.

Youngkin’s campaign responded with a revamped edition of the video above, now with more examples in a minute long cut of what is still just a small selection of the times McAuliffe tried to make the campaign about Trump now that he’s trying to say it isn’t only after he started to lose in the polls:

Candidates pivot as needed with their campaigns focus of course, but this ridiculous insult to Virginia voters intelligence was ripe for ridicule, which was why even CNN couldn’t help but note it above. The especially slimy part of this gaslighting isn’t just the ‘on second thought, forget what I’ve made my entire candidacy about please’ nature of the backpeddle, but the pure projection of it all. Specifically: Youngkin had never embraced Trump or Trumpism or the MAGA agenda or any of the big Trump talking points or campaign issues and by all accounts is much more of a Mitt Romney style Republican, so McAuliffe’s fearmongering that Youngkin is a dangerous Trumpie Virginia should be afraid of was always a dishonest smear, but also one that he is legitimately guilty of himself in regards to the Democrats “Trump”, Hillary Clinton. While Youngkin and Trump were never allies or connected in any way yet Democrats tried to make them appear synonymous with each each other – McAuliffe and the Clintons have always been very close, but due to Clintons unpopularity, McAuliffe has ran away from that association in exactly the way he falsely accused Younkin of doing with Trump…

In fact, McAuliffe literally has more ties to Donald Trump than his opponent he’s trying to frame as Trumps best friend…

McAuliffe’s lying projection aside – this Trump-scare tactic is just part of a larger ‘scare Democrat-leaning voters so they give you power to protect them’ strategy. McAuliffe doesn’t just deserve to lose for lying about this specifically, but also for avoiding issues the state he is trying to be the governor of again faces by distracting focus to fake issues at large.

McAuliffe wants Virginians to be scared of Covid, so he lies about it:

McAuliffe wants Virginians to be scared of racist Republicans, so he creates a hoax where Democrat operatives pretended to be racist Republicans so McAuliffe and his allies could pretend to be shocked and denounce it (most, but not all, later deleted the fake-outrage tweets after the alleged Republican racists were revealed to be anti-Republican Democrats perpetrating a hoax):

And in perfect line with the trend: the actual things in Virginia that require concern are – surprise! – the things that Terry McAuliffe says (but doesn’t actually believe) are in great condition. eg: the terrible school system that McAuliffe kept his own children out of but claims is “great” for everyone else…

Election day is tomorrow. For the record, the same scam is being pulled by Democrats in New Jersey for their Governor’s election as well:

Jersey is surely going to go Democrat as they only vote for Republican Governors when their Democrat Governors go to jail or have to resign over corruption riddled scandal (which has been nearly every Democrat Governor in the past 20+ years, so this will be the first Democrat Gov in awhile to win reelection).

But will the fearmongering work in Virginia which is only “mostly Democrat” and not solidly blue for the past 20 years? They’re already making excuses for when it doesn’t and you guessed it – it’s gonna bet those phantom rrrrrracists to blame:


Democrats’ Fake Racist hoaxes in Virginia race fail and backfire

In the Virginia race for Governor, the polls have been tightening as the Republican candidate shifts his focus from bland etherial government management issues and into culture war issues that people actually care about. To counter this progress, Democrats have focused less on issues and more on fear and personal smears, amplifying their attempts to focus the race as a referendum of the previous president who has been out of office for a year and on alleged dangers of racism that require Democrats in power to protect people from.

In service to this strategy, Democrats manufactured a white supremacist hoax to scare the electorate by playing on the “fine people” hoax – one of the most widely debunked hoaxes in history where a protest organized by conservatives was hijacked by a different group of racists. Groups like The Proud Boys smelled the hijacking and condemned it before it happened and forbid members from going but it was too late for all to get the memo and the protest between Democrats and Conservatives was crashed by terrorist Antifa members attacking people and a goofy march of racists who carried tiki torches and chanted “Jews will not replace us”. Following the debacle, Democrats and the corporate press invented a race hoax to smear the president by making the false claim that Trump called the racists “very fine people” despite him actually saying the opposite and condemning them several times, unprompted. The hoax was achieved by reporting Trump observing that there were “very fine people on both sides” of the Conservative and Democrat debate that comprised the original protest, but then editing out his following sentence from his remarks that went out of his way to clarify that he was not talking about racists of any kind and then condemned those groups. That was in 2017.

Now, in 2021, Democrats sought to rekindle the fear they successfully stoked with the 2017 hoax by having Democrat operatives dress like the 2017 race marchers, complete with tiki torches, and stand in front of the Republican candidate for Governors bus for photo ops in order to scare people into thinking that those wascally wacists are at it again and only an elected Democrat can keep us safe from them:

Charlie Olaf, McAuliffe’s social-media manager, wrote: “Disgusting reference to the 2017 Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville.”

Democratic strategist Max Burns claimed Youngkin’s campaign “counts white supremacists among its most enthusiastic supporters.”

The bet being made here was that the Charlottesville hoax was so successful that if the Democrats could suggest that the Republican candidate for governor in Virginia had a similar support base of people with bad views about race then that will terrify voters against that Republican.

The root of this tactic reveals how Democrats use fear of racism that isn’t actually prevalent as a way to trick vulnerable minds into voting them into power.

The fraud here also wasn’t just in putting the bait out there and trying to hook suckers that bit on it, either – part of the plan was to feign outrage over the bait they knew was fake in an attempt to create a larger buzz over the claim:

When the hoax was uncovered to have been orchestrated by the pro-war, anti-Trump Democrat group The Lincoln Project, the McAuliffe campaign finally “condemned the stunt” after they spent all day pushing it as proof of Youngkin’s racist ties.

After the uncovering, the main excuse was that the Lincoln Project was the sole party to blame and not the Democrats who helped push it – ignoring of course the ties and partnerships the Lincoln Project has with the Democrats in exactly these media stunts:

Corporate press to the rescue!

Corporate media outlets and their members that label themselves as journalists dutifully volunteered in spreading the false story without doing any acts of research, fact checking, or verification (eg: Journalism) and only some of them had the dignity to delete the lies when exposed.

MSNBC contributor Glenn Kirschner condemned the “blatant display of racism, hatred and intolerance,” urging Virginians to vote for McAuliffe, who represents a “kind, welcoming, diverse Virginia.”

Then there came the damage control spin. The first cover-up was to call the group “Republicans”, which is of course a total lie. It is true that the Lincoln Project was founded by *former* John McCain operative Republicans but the group is not just “anti-Trump” – it is a pro-war org that abandoned the Republican party completely when Trump shifted the platform away from the Bush Doctrine method of bombing and invasion that Biden has always supported and Democrats have followed into. The group endorses and campaigns for Democrats and against Republicans. It is in no way a Republican organization. Further: at least 3 of the people that were later identified as performers in the stunt are all Democrat party operatives that have never been Republicans or affiliated with any Republican organization.

Within 24 hours of the scandal, The Lincoln Project spokespeople were invited onto CNN not to be grilled on why they perpetrated such a cynical fraud and why they thought it was okay to attempt to fool voters in such an ugly lie – but to explain themselves in a piece so favorable to them, The Lincoln Project itself tweeted out the video as damage control:

Why does the corporate press help big government politicians in these ways? Edward Snowden tangentially explains with the observation that the “neo” factions of each party have merged:

Meanwhile, the grift of the Lincoln Project is failing every day, dying hour by hour, but remains alive with Democrat millions in support:

As new footage of the fake “insurrection” is released, the hoax continues to crumble

The “Insurrection” hoax dies deeper into the ground with each and every new discovery…

The masked Fed Tucker referenced:

Democrats quietly switch sides on nuclear power

The debate is over. Nuclear power has been officially adopted by the last remaining American faction opposing it as its favored power sources it gave generous financial grants to and leaned on heavily in its environmental image-marketing continue to fail financially and require more fossil fuel to run than they eliminate. Both of those faults have been targets of Republicans and non-partisan pro-nuclear energy proponents for awhile, but it seemed as though Democrats were intent on holding onto the money losing failures and environment worseners just so they could keep that marketing angle alive since wind and solar have such better PR with the general public and their voter base in particular to give up on.

But give up, they did. Which is rare that you get to live to see a public partisan debate like this actually get solved with a concession like this.

In May (2021), Biden White House climate adviser Gina McCarthy told attendees at the Columbia University Center on Global Energy Policy that nuclear power would be “essential” to fight global warming (something Republicans have been saying for decades, pointing out that nuclear power has zero carbon emission and a low environmental footprint).

Still, that’s just an adviser saying it. But now, Biden’s Secretary of Energy is echoing the same line, making clear that the administrations official position is now pro-nuclear and they are just quietly unfolding that change in position so as to save face:

Granholm had previously test-suggested the concept of federal subsidies for nuclear power plants back in May as well, but it didn’t get much press coverage then as her reiterations that more definitively state support for nuclear power (and stated in a more official and public announcement) mark a big shift.


Feds fail at Jan 6th rally setup

A rally on September 18th at the U.S. Capitol to protest the injustice of the continued hold and demonization of protestors arrested at the January 6th riot still being currently held as political prisoners despite not even being accused of, let alone shown to be guilty of, any crimes that justify such a lengthy detention. These prisoners are having their justice delayed and thus denied, presumably because of how useful they are to federal propaganda efforts in fearmongering over the January 6th protest Democrats have been calling an “insurrection” and “sedition” despite neither charge being used in the prosecution of any of the prisoners.

The warnings from the Right

It was to this end that many online were publicly warning that the planned Sept 18th rally in support of the prisoners, though appearing to have been initiated in good faith by true believing conservatives, was going to be hijacked by the Deep State levels of the federal government looking to serve their own propaganda purposes. At best they would use the event to smear the attendees and at worst, instigate violence so the fed-led narrative that the protest on January 6th (which was also later revealed to contain an alarming amount of federal government undercover participants) was more of a danger to the country, or anyone, than it was. These warnings cited the Charlottesville protest in 2017 which was originally organized as a protest against the removal of historical statues, but was hijacked by a group of Racists led by Biden 2020 supporter Richard Spencer who carried tiki torches and chanted “Jews will not replace us” – which was of course the only aspect of the event that the corporate press ended up covering. In anticipation and suspicion of exactly that setup taking place – Proud Boys founder Gavin McInness announced at the time, before the rally in Charlottesville, that all Proud Boy members were forbidden from attending, as he predicted it would be a setup to make the group and all other attendees look racist. While only a couple rogue Proud Boys broke the commandment and attended the rally anyway, the corporate press dutifully smeared the organization as being racists who marched with Nazi’s.

Similarly, on this rally for the Capitol prisoners, former President Trump agreed with the suspicion of how it would be covered and warned his base about the rally in a September 16th interview, calling it a “setup” and said media would use it as an excuse to bash Republicans regardless of its outcome. Specifically:

“On Saturday, that’s a setup,” Trump said about the rally. “If people don’t show up they’ll say, ‘Oh, it’s a lack of spirit.’ And if people do show up they’ll be harassed” – Or worse, set up and made out to be “domestic terrorists” attempting an “insurrection.”

The Results

Most on the Right listened to the warnings and. well. It was a total bust for the feds. 

The January  6th riot was completely unarmed with not a single person firing, brandishing, or even having a firearm holstered on their person, which made the attempts to call the riot an “insurrection” look more and more desperate and pathetic, so feds hoped to catch someone they could perceive, paint, or pretend was a threat this time and – AH HA! – A swarm of 7 Capital Police officers in padded armor, helmets, visors, and shields swarmed a man for interrogation and subsequent “arrest” when they finally spotted someone to have been armed. The man then shows them his badge, revealing that he is an undercover fed. Lol… Now busted, all 7 suited-up soldiers extract their boy to safety, escorting him out, yelling at people recording the embarrassing display.

“Are you under cover?” the officers asked as the man pulled out a badge.

Rest assured, everyone: The FBI arrested the FBI at the FBI rally.  We can finally sleep with peace. 

Actually, we don’t know what agency he was with specifically, so that joke may be unfair. He could have been CIA.

In fact, by all accounts, there were more undercover feds at the rally than there were actual ralliers…

Except their disguises weren’t nearly as good…

Many pointed out that these guys all had their fed watches on display -but I found it extra funny that treason-General Milley sports the fed gear as well:

Selective Force

Reminding everyone that the federal Government indeed knows how to erect barriers when they want to, a fence was put up around the US Capitol building, “as law enforcement braces for Sept. 18 protest“. Meanwhile, thousands of Haitian migrants illegally mobbed into the countries southern border the day prior.

Others pointed out the full on war gear that the Capitol Police were armed with in order to stand around and watch a few people say that unfair prosecution for non-violent criminals is – shocker – a bad thing.

And the selective force of the corporate press in what they report and in what intensities in order to shape narratives conducive to profit: 

Bizarre attempts emerge to spin Biden Afghanistan disaster as being Trumps fault

It is a political tradition to blame the previous party in charge for current negatives and rob them of the credit for the work they did that spring positives under their oppositions term in power. It’s the same result as taking credit for the enjoyable shade or fruits of a tree that the team you are against planted years ago, but blaming that other team for having planted the tree when you chop it down with lazy or improper accounting for physics and its fall damages property.

Barack Obama was so good at this that he not only took credit for and was able to spin-as-a-good-thing policies he was elected explicitly to advocate against when he was a candidate like extending the Bush tax cuts, legally legitimizing and then expanding the Bush spying apparatus, dramatically expanding the Bush war efforts, and the flipping his policy on what would later be embraced as being called “Obamacare” – but he also took credit for things he actively opposed while in office but turned out well despite his efforts, such as promising that Obamacare was legal and would have no taxes but when the Supreme Court ruled that it was expressly illegal and unconstitutional unless it was considered as a tax, or when he tried to block oil drilling – failed – and then took credit for the resulting oil boom that he had opposed saying “that was me, people“. lol.

Joe Biden is not as talented. and his supporters are forced to make goofy stretches to attempt to blame Donald Trump for the Biden blunders happening in his first year in office. The highest profile disaster so far has been the Biden “cut and run” withdrawal from Afghanistan that handed over total control of the country to the supposedly evil-terrorist leaders we had been fighting for 20 years, left Americans stranded, left military dogs abandoned to die, and left billions worth of tanks and airstrike vehicles and guns and ammo for the new rulers to use against their people.

The typical stretch to blame Trump for all this has been that Trump is the one who set the 2021 withdrawal date from the country, “so there!”. This ignores the reality that Biden scrapped the Trump withdrawal date, all the negotiations and terms that went with it, and didn’t follow any of the Trump administrations guidelines for a tiered withdrawal plan that would have at least made an attempt to avert the obvious disasters mentioned above.

The newest theory from someone named Cheri Jacobus, a NeverTrump activist and Russiagate Hoax podcast producer is that Trump set a “booby trap” for Biden with that Afghanistan policy, that, er… Biden ignored and revamped and made his own and did not have to follow at all or in any of the ways that he did.

In case you missed it: Jacobus lists Trump and Mike Pompeo as being “enemies of America” along with Vladimir Putin in her baseless accusation that Biden’s horrifically mismanaged Afghanistan withdrawal actions were somehow a Trump/Russia collusion “trap”. No argument or explanation for the wild conspiracy theory, of course; she just tosses it out there to keep gullible minds connecting bad Biden moves to etherial Trump/Russia puppetry.

Sure, lady…

But the purpose is highlighting this insanity is to remind how thorough the Russiagate hoax peddlers continue to attempt to use this excuse, years after the Trump/Russia Collision conspiracy theory was investigated and debunked.

Last year, weeks before election day, Jen Psaki and Politico columnist Natasha Betrand helped spread the total lie that Russia was somehow behind tricking Americans in some way about the incriminating details found on Joe Biden’s son’s laptop.

The laptop was later verified to indeed have been Hunter Biden’s and it was revealed that the whole time Democrats and supposed “former intel officials” were claiming that its contents were Russian disinfo, Federal prosecutors had in fact been secretly investigating Hunter Biden for exactly the crimes he is shown admitting to and talking about (particularly international money laundering) in the contents of the laptop. But by then it was too late: Joe Biden had won the election, Hunter Biden received no punishment or prosecution, and Jen Psaki was hired as the Biden White House Press Secretary.

Supreme Court rules that anti-fraud provisions (obviously) don’t violate the Voting Rights Act

Why would they?…

The Voting Rights Act bars regulations that result in racial discrimination. To claim that these laws are Voting Rights Act violations, you must claim that racial minorities cheat more than other groups and have a legal right to. Lolwut?

Sounds like there’s no way that’s not a huge exaggeration, I know, but to prove the argument is really that insulting, we’ll walk through it: 

After so many claims of fraud in the 2021 election, many emanating from Arizona, but none of them receiving their day in court with which to have their claims and evidence analyzed and cross examined and thus verified or debunked – Arizona legislature did the next best thing and at least made some common sense “make it harder to cheat” rules under new state voting law provisions that addressed some of the fraud claims. Everyone wins, right? The side that won the election doesn’t have to waste time listening to claims of evidence that they didn’t really win, and the side that claims they were cheated gets their “ways it could have happened” addressed. Since the Democrats didn’t cheat to win, this isn’t a problem, right? Well…

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals invalidated both Arizona provisions under Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act under a broad claim that the state can’t be trusted because it’s so racist. Seriously… The 9th Circuit alleged state has a “long history of race-based discrimination against its American Indian, Hispanic, and African American citizens” and a “pattern of discrimination against minority voters has continued to the present day.” So by that “ur RACIST” edict, the court said that the state could not make laws that make cheating in elections so easy. Specifically:

The two Arizona provisions say 1- That ballots cast at the wrong precinct on Election Day must be wholly discarded and 2- A restriction on a practice known as “ballot harvesting” by requiring that only family caregivers, mail carriers and election officials can deliver another person’s completed ballot to a polling place. In other words: obvious logical anti-cheating adjustments that should have been made a long time ago and have nothing to do with race in any way whatsoever. Democrats just didn’t have a way to combat this or most other anti-democracy tactics of voting fraud, so they rely on the old “it’s racist!” claim.

In the escalation of this issue to the Supreme Court via the case Brnovich v. Democratic National Committee regarding Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act – the court pointed out that preventing fraud is actually a good, not racist, thing.

“Fraud can affect the outcome of a close election, and fraudulent votes dilute the right of citizens to cast ballots that carry appropriate weight” Justice Alito wrote, while also noting that fraud can “also undermine public confidence in the fairness of elections and the perceived legitimacy of the announced outcome.” 

Laws that a person has to vote in the precinct a person is registered to vote in is not discriminatory.

Restrictions on ballot harvesting are not discriminatory.

Hence the 6 to 3 ruling by the court.

The Left is angry because the ruling makes it harder to legally claim that opposition to cheating is racist.

It was the third significant decision on voting rights in the last 13 years by the court, along with the 2008 Crawford v. Marion County ruling and the 2013 Shelby v. Holder decision. All three have made it harder to prevent voter suppression, liberals argue, and easier for those in power to enact laws that erect obstacles to voting.

The impact of the three rulings, taken together, is that “the conservative Supreme Court has taken away all the major available tools for going after voting restrictions,” wrote Rick Hasen, an expert on election laws and the author of “Election Meltdown.” “This at a time when some Republican states are passing new restrictive voting laws.”

Yup. The court is “taking away all the major available tools for going after voting restrictions”. Those “major tools” being “using dishonest claims of racism to oppose policies you can’t attack on Constitutional, factual, or logical grounds”. So sad.

The Left lamented:

Supreme Court’s Voting Rights Act Decision Narrows Another Path to Challenge Discriminatory Voting Laws –

The Court’s Voting-Rights Decision Was Worse Than People Think –The Atlantic

Supreme Court Drives a Stake Through the Heart of the Voting Rights Act –

And in all these hysterical whoah’s, I was unable to find a single actual-argument (let alone any actual evidence) in support of the ludicrous claim that racial minorities disproportionally vote in-person in the wrong precincts and have a right to keep doing so, and/or why collecting mail-in ballots from voters who are unable or unwilling to submit those ballots themselves (which, remember – involves nothing but sealing the postage-free envelope, signing your name, and putting in your mail box – all of which is expressly allowed for caregivers and family members to do in the Arizona provisions) is an act of racial discrimination.

Everyone upset about this ruling is just mad that it’s harder to cheat.

The strange reporting of the strange Matt Gaetz accusations

Matt Gaetz is a 38 year old Florida Republican Congressman that could best be described as possibly the Trumpiest person in Congress. He bucks his dumb party on issues of endless wars in the middle east, the drug war at home, restrictions on free speech and civil liberties, and dunks on the Left with the same snarky “merry prankster” jovial tone that has strong Andrew Breitbart vibes. That makes him a threat to the establishment of both parties, and with the OrangeOne out of politics, Gaetz is one of the top targets for those Cathedral types who don’t want him to be a part of the national dialogue.

At the end of March 2021, the New York Times reported anonymous leaks accusing him of having had sex with a minor, maybe having paid for it, and doing drugs. Gaetz immediately denied it all and revealed some cuckoo-bananas details surrounding the investigation, asking the Department of Justice to reveal even further details that he says exonerates him.

So what is really going on here? The reality is that nobody really cares. His haters are blindly claiming everything alleged (plus a lot of tangential claims not even alleged) are obviously true and his supporters are blindly calling it a Deep State coup against him. I don’t have any special report on whether any of the claims about him are true, but what I find interesting are the uncontested details of how the corporate media and social media bias swarms are using it as a textbook smear operation. Whether or not there is something legitimate to smear, I don’t know, and find endlessly less interesting than the known facts of how this report continues to be used (a week and a half after the story broke, at the time of this writing) to take Gaetz down and you don’t have to like Gaetz to find it interesting as well.

Using the appearance of impropriety to defame or criminally prosecute people you don’t like is the oldest Statist tactic in the system, but usually it’s over something completely stupid like “Donald Trump isn’t releasing his tax returns to the public” or when they successfully took down the Republican Governor of Virginia with bribery accusations (that the Supreme Court later threw out as total bullcrap, after the damage had been done) who was a rising-star until his Democrat enemies were able to use interpretations of the law that made a credible possibility that he’d serve jail time over a nothingburger. When you can make the accusations sound actually repugnant, however (read: something sexual that implies a layer of abuse as well), then that’s when you’ve got a quality smear on your hands.

The allegations against Gaetz, explained

As stated, last month The New York Times reported on a possible DOJ probe into Gaetz and citations of that report got an unusually high volume of traction on social media for how vague and unsubstantiated the details of the investigation are, raising more red flags than the allegations themselves if viewed through a media analysis lens and not just a “can I find an excuse to defame someone I hate?” lens.

The saucy part here was that Gaetz was “under investigation over possible sex trafficking” of a minor – a claim that the Times‘ own reporting failed to ever substantiate or support in any way, then later downplayed in a follow-up report. The investigation, per the Times reporting, was actually over an alleged consensual relationship with an anonymous 17-year-old girl who was not alleged to have been under any duress or threat or any other detail of having been sex trafficked in any way. The Times reported that the FBI stopped questioning the unidentified women involved back in January and acknowledged that “no charges have been brought against Mr. Gaetz”, but they use the term “sex trafficking” despite any evidence of coercion. Super weird.

The use of this horrible term, that typically describes a horrible legal and moral crime, set his many critics and haters ablaze in hopes that they are either true or just glee in the ability to act like they are in the meantime. The actual facts of the case however, started as murky, and then just kept getting reframed to lesser and more convoluted offenses.

Another guy whom Gaetz knows is alleged to be shadier and have a history of facilitating “sugar baby” relationships or something, but “knowing a shady/creepy dude” is a guilt by association fallacy so that too raises questions on the use of these suggestions in service to defame rather than to inform.

Anatomy of a Smear

As the initial salacious claims about “sex trafficking” actually being “not that at all” and the 17 year old part having no evidence other than an anonymous source, the narrative began to crumble a little bit but the common response on social media was a “yea, but still…” argument that just because The NY Times appears to have used a fake claim as the central point of their report, doesn’t mean that the rest of it (potentially paying for someones travel so they will have sex with you – plus still keeping alive the “and maybe she was 17, if this actually happened – we don’t know” part) is okay.

These critics shouldn’t be let off the hook so easy. The original claim, and phrase that was all over Twitter in particular, was “sex trafficking” and there is zero evidence of any such thing ever even being alleged. It was just included in the original Times report through a convoluted loophole that i’ll show you their explanation for in a minute. But “sex trafficking” is a term with a legal definition that is not supported by the Times piece. The claim the anonymous sources made is that Gaetz is accused of having a consensual sexual relationship with a 17 year old in a state where that’s a legal thing to do – but it’s “sex trafficking” because he allegedly paid for her travel. Not advisable and maybe a really bad thing to do, but not exactly kids in a Wayfair cabinet. Also just not what sex trafficking is, even loosely defined. The Times sort of acknowledges this, but justifies their lie through a strange loophole of a claim that even when sex trafficking doesn’t take place, it can be accused if something different takes place. Kindov like saying “We are reporting that Mr Smith is under investigation for robbery. He is not accused of taking anything that wasn’t his, but if prosecutors think they can prove that he arrived at the store by taking a ride sharing service in a county where those are banned from use, then they could accuse Mr Smith of robbing the store”.

Sounds really stupid, right? Sounds like something I would absolutely have to be grossly misinterpreting or just making up to make the Times look bad, no? Read the admission for yourself. From the Times:

It is not illegal to provide adults with free hotel stays, meals and other gifts, but if prosecutors think they can prove that the payments to the women were for sex, they could accuse Mr. Gaetz of trafficking the women under “force, fraud or coercion.” For example, prosecutors have filed trafficking charges against people suspected of providing drugs in exchange for sex because feeding another person’s drug habit could be seen as a form of coercion.

Some of Gaetz’s haters refused to go along with the re-defining of what “sex trafficking” means in order to score points on someone they hate:

To recap, Gaetz was accused of: Knowing a shady guy; having a sexual relationship with a 17 year old; paying for her travel (which was sneakily called “sex trafficking”); and maybe taking MDMA.

Gaetz’s Response, Denial, & Defense:

Gaetz says he’s never had a relationship with anyone who was 17 and that such a person doesn’t exist and they’re just smearing and then attempted to extort him, demanding $25 million from his dad “in exchange for making horrible sex trafficking allegations against me go away”, as he told Tucker Carlson.

On April 1st, Gaetz linked to an article with details of the alleged extortion plot in his denial of the claims made against him:

At the time of this writing, the details are still unfolding about what is verifiably true regarding either sides accusations of the other, but we do know that the extortion thing was real for a few reasons: One being that there is a paper trail of Gaetz reporting the extortion attempt:

The congressman further said about the matter the day prior (as reports of the allegations were still unfolding):

Further: the extortion plot against Gaetz was confirmed the same day as the allegations against him.

A week later, more confirmations that Gaetz was being extorted, including from the person alleged to be extorting him.

In a follow-up Times article on the Department of Justice probe, the allegations against Gaetz were reduced from having been with a 17-year-old – who again, Gaetz denies and says no such person even exists for which to make such a claim – to a much lesser and much more speculative claim and tone. And just like the initial Times story, their follow up report is delivered entirely through anonymous “people close to the investigation” with no sources named, official statements, or documents related.

So, while it’s not my job to attack or defend the Congressman, and I won’t venture to try out either direction – the smear attempt is clear as the Times would and should have framed all these details in far different journalistic language and notation of its speculative nature if the intended thesis was not to defame Gaetz with the charges.

Why they’re going after Gaetz

With the smear so evident, you might ask why. Is there any doubt that this is only a frenzy because he is an effective voice for the right?

I lead this piece describing Gaetz as “the Trumpiest person in Congress” – Which means he’s also a threat to the establishment of both parties, like Trump since he is an upbeat sort of merry prankster in his delivery and is always making snarky comments that get peoples attention and the things he gets their attention to are the red pill type issues the establishment doesn’t want talked about (endless wars in the Middle East, how the government colluding with big banks is totally stealing everyones time and labor, how the drug war is bullshit, etc).

If that analysis is wrong, then why have none of his critics been able to substantiate these claims despite using the worst-imaginable terms to describe them, that then keep getting leveled down in severity as details are revealed? Journalism that sloppy is virtually always intentional. It puts out fragments of the truth for the purpose of muddying the waters around a person or issue and gives that person or issues critics the ammunition to extrapolate into whatever their imagination can conjure.

When sex acts or their allegations are attack-worthy or not (according to Democrats)

#MattGaetzisapervert was trending on Twitter for a day, and hundreds of tweets invented details and conclusions not reported by the Times or any other source. To a degree, that is understandable since, for the people who hate Gaetz – why give him any benefit of any doubt? But since the details keep showing nothing heinous they can pin him with, his Progressive critics have to resort to 1950s style Conservative notions of sex to smear him with.

The Lefts unabashed defense of Bill Clintons several admitted affairs, dismissals of the rape and assault claims against him, and of course the most famous sexual misconduct by a man in power in the past 200 years – the White House Intern “sexual relations” he had in the White House, lied to the public about, perjured himself under oath about, had his administration publicly attack/pressure/&smear an intern over, and then admitted when his seaman was found on one of her dresses.

While the Right, with their adorable and antiquated sense of honor and goal of consistency always thinks they’re being so righteous and clever by pointing out the hypocrisy of the Left – the Left openly flaunts it. In this case, they never made a secret of the fact that they selectively use sexual misconduct as a smear while giving zero fkks about it when their power players are caught dirty-handed.

Nina Burleigh, the former White House correspondent for Time Magazine who covered the Clinton White House once famously said that she would be “happy to give [Bill Clinton] a blowjob just to thank him for keeping abortion legal.”

It may not be an effective tactic to point out, but it’s still noteworthy here with Gaetz. Raheem Kassam pointed exactly this hypocrisy out by pulling a repeat of that same laughable Clinton defense, this time in a recent context from former Times editorial board member Gail Collins who “suggested ex President Bill Clinton was entitled to a defense over his sexual exploits because he grew the U.S. economy”…

Writing in The New York Times, Collins’s article literally states:

“Nancy Pelosi once defended President Bill Clinton after he got an intern to fellate him in the Oval Office,” Gaetz argued in an opinion piece in The Washington Examiner. This is true, and we would hope the congressman gets the same kind of loyal support the very second he presides over one of the longest economic expansions in American history.

In other words: as soon as we like you, *then* and only then, are you entitled to a defense over accusations you may have not even done. As if Nancy Pelosi’s defense of Bill Clinton’s abuse of power for sex on the job in the White House was because he “presided over” (a way to make “was president during” sound more kingly in a context when talking about him doing the nasties) a time when the Republican House controlled economic bills and .com boom led to a good economy. lol.

Again – none of the allegations against Gaetz are, at the time of this writing, officially public, and again – Gaetz claims that no under-18 person he’s had any relationship with exists to be able to make such a claim about him (and no one has shown any evidence otherwise).

One needn’t go back to the late 90s to find a Democrat accused of sexual impropriety that Democrats don’t treat seriously, however. Even ignoring the credible accusations against sitting Democratic President Joe Biden, the current Democratic Governor of New York is in the same position. Some pointed it out –


No, it’s not easier to buy a firearm than it is to vote for the first time

I started this post from seeing a Leftist blue-check-mark claim that in Pennsylvania you can buy a gun and walk out with it that same day but it takes a month to register to vote. Okay?… I mean – I’m not confused at the point the lady was attempting – she’s saying that protecting yourself shouldn’t be easier than voicing what brand of authoritarian control should rule over you and your neighbor — it’s just a dumb point is all.

Idk if that’s true or not in Pennsylvania specifically. It’s not true generally – something we’ve known for years since Barack Obama made the same claim and it was debunked – but why let the truth get in the way of a perfectly good emotionally-persuasive talking point amirite? But on PA specifically – idk – but I’m not gonna look it up cuz it doesn’t matter. 

Voting is not a right. Firearm ownership is. 

When elected representatives openly say that non-rights should be easier to access than your Constitutionally guaranteed rights – then you know you’re looking at an authoritarian douchebag.

My states new senator, Alex Padilla, who was appointed to Kamala Harris’ Senate seat, and many wondered if he would live up to Officer Harris’ authoritarianism, did his predecessor proud by repeating the falsehood (tweeted here by CBS News without commentary or fact-checking, of course):

“In a majority of states” means that Padilla is claiming that in at least 26 states it’s easier to buy a gun than it is to vote for the first time. It isn’t. 

Even if it is true that in Pennsylvania you can get a same-day firearm purchase, all 50 states have eligibility requirements and you have to pass a background check, present a valid, pay taxes and fees to the government for the purchase, and I would imagine that even in a quick-buy state like maybe-PA-is, that a good percentage of the time the person would still end up having to wait days or weeks for their firearm to be in their possession. Soooo. If we could just make voting as “easy” as it is in that allegedly most-easy state then that’d be a good start, yea. 

If Republicans had any balls then they would call Democrats’ bluff on this talking point and try to make their false claim a reality by introducing a bill that makes what they’re claiming so. Democrats would vote against it because they’re using the false talking point negatively, but it would illustrate that it’s 1- not currently true, and 2- force Democrats to go on record by way of a vote that they want power more than they want you to have protection.

David Harsanyi articulates how that could work:

Of course, we would be able to test Padilla’s contention by linking the two issues. Let’s pass an H.R. 1 for guns. If you can receive a ballot in the mail, then FedEx should be able to bring you an AR-15. If you can vote without photo ID, you should be able to buy a handgun without it, too. If we are to institute same-day registration and voting, then Americans should also enjoy same-day background checks and gun purchases. If we implement automatic voter registration for anyone using a government service, we should simultaneously implement automatic background checks that pre-clear them for gun ownership. If we’re going to pre-register 16 year olds as voters, let’s pre-register them for gun ownership, as well.

Leftists get mad at Glenn Greenwald for, er, using their talking point

Leftist pundit and publisher, Glenn Greenwald has been angering people on his side more and more with his obnoxious habit of being willing to tell the truth. This outrages establishment shills and partisans on both sides, but it’s never as prominent in any ideology as it is on the Left. The “Sports team Left” comprises of the overwhelming majority of collectivist/Leftist thought. “Sports team leftists” is a term I made up that refers to Lefties who root for their perceived team far more than any underlying ideology or truth that team allegedly represents. It is descriptive despite not being a very good term (not very good just because “sports team” as a modifier has a boomer sounding clunkiness to it like someone unironically saying they’re going to “the Walmarts”) because Leftism claims to be more of a morality than a political position when the reality is that its most vocal proponents are zero sum team players who exhibit the most closed minded viciousness against even the most polite dissent or disagreement.

Their anger at Greenwald in this case is that he pointed out that some of the most popular and prominent right-wing figures actually support socialist policies. He said this as a guest on a show produced by the right-leaning Daily Caller, and boldly included in his outing of socialists-on-the-right, Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson.

“Obviously the term ‘socialism’ carries a lot of baggage from the Cold War. It evokes, on purpose, the Soviet Union, or Castro, or Chavez, but I think what you are seeing is this kind of hybrid socialism that really is about nothing more than trying to sandpaper the edges off of neoliberalism” Greenwald noted.

The thing that triggered the choir in the cathedral is when Greenwald continued to say that he “would describe a lot of people on the right as being socialists,” such as former White House strategist Steve Bannon and “the 2016 iteration” of former President Donald Trump as a candidate, “based on what he was saying”, and that “I consider Tucker Carlson to be a socialist”.

This is of course, factually solid at least with the citations of Trumps 2016 rhetoric and Tucker Carlsons economic policy positions he espouses on his Fox News show. I don’t know enough about the other people cited to be able to cite their economic positions from memory, but I sure can with Trump & Carlson. In 2019, Carlson supported Socialist-lite Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren’s so called economic populism (the name for what people use when they want to refer to socialism as practiced without using socialism as ideologically defined by a specific strain).

Greenwald further explained that their “right-wing populism, which really is socialism” (fact check: True), that “says we should close our borders, not allow unconstrained immigration, and then take better care of our own working-class people and not allow this kind of transnational, global, corporatist elite to take everything for themselves under the guise of neoliberalism.”

True again… Before it the Left had to leverage its reliance on allegations of hate and racism as a way to con minorities into supporting them, “open borders” in America was openly considered a corporatist move that only hurts the lower class so that rich people can get cheap labor. “Open borders? No, that’s a Koch brothers proposal,” Bernie Sanders said on the topic in 2015. “That’s a right-wing proposal, which says essentially there is no United States.”

Greenwald supported the claim with his own example, pointing out that when it came to Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo wanting “to give tens of millions of dollars to Amazon to bring an office to New York”, Tucker Carlson and self-identified socialist, Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, agreed.

Greenwald attributed their agreement to people realizing “that neoliberalism doesn’t work” as his explanation of why they both supported the socialist position instead.

Their shared socialist position is wrong of course – New York was never going to “give” Amazon millions of dollars to open an office in the state – it was offering a tax break to the company if it chose New York for the job creating (and thus, ironically, tax revenue paying) addition the company could add to the states economy. AOC had asked for a similar deduction herself in 2012, but back to the lie in her position about it as a Congressperson: Phrasing the act of “people (or groups of people) keeping more of the money they earn” as a gift or giveaway is classic Socialist rhetoric because it starts with the premise that when an entity earns money, it has no right to it. Thus whatever the state allows it to keep is a gift or grant or giveaway rather than simply just “not stealing”.

Pointing out right-wing Socialism is a common Leftist argument

The econ Leftist argument to Repubs has always been that the supposedly “conservative” economics and/or figures they support are actually Socialist in nature. They dubiously try to claim that institutions like the police, military, and fire department – which enjoy solid support from the right – are actually “Socialist”. They’re liars and misinformed, of course – but the point here is that they argue it constantly. It is a standard talking point that comes up in popular dialogues frequently.

Glenn Greenwald points this exact thing out via prominent Republicans who are also economic populists /socialists & the Left gets pissed… over their own talking point.

Actually, “red-pilling” conservatives to the fact that their biggest leaders are actually economic populists and favor socialism isn’t a desperate plea to relevancy – its a necessary truth they need to hear to realize not everything “socialist” is bad because whether they realize it or not – they frequently support it.

The Leftist reactionaries got mad at this…

^At least market socialists recognize that their talking points are devoid of integrity and critical thinking skills… they just did so by accident.

It appears that the reason these pavlovian zombies got mad is because they have become so narrowly tribal that the thought of people they hate agreeing with them – or more accurately – the confrontation that *they* actually agree with those people they hate – makes their heads explode.

Social media Lefties erupted in outrage – and the angry kind of outrage that disguises itself as effusive laughter to signal dismissal of a point that triggers them into a fear response that it might spread. Know what didn’t erupt? Rebuttals. Corrections. -Any kind of factual presentation of why he might be or provably is offbase? lol nah. The dude said that people they hate agrees with them and that is OUTRAGEOUS.

Greenwalds crime, in the person above’s estimation, is that by using the Leftist talking point that some on the right are Socialists as well, that makes him “not an ally to the Left”.

Others wanted to make sure people got the message that Greenwald – a Leftist – is “not a leftist” for pointing out that some prominent people on the right actually endorse Socialism. lolwut?

^At least this person gave a rarely found actual-reason for why they are triggered by this take: their correction is that Tucker Carlson, Trump, Bannon, & Le Pen aren’t socialists – they’re neofascists, as if that is a distinction with a difference. It isn’t. The Nazi’s were fascist-socialists (Nazi is short for National Socialist German Workers’ Party) who demanded the nationalization of all industries; Something that this Greenwald reactionary appears to acknowledge:

^In other words – Nazi’s are the ‘bad-kinds’ of socialists and thus it must be kept a secret that they were socialists because it makes the brand look bad – and here jerknut Glenn Greenwald is all exposing the truth they’re trying to hide and allegedly doing so, er, in service to those people (as if any of the people Greenwald mentioned would be happy /consider it a shoe shine to be called a Socialist. lol).

Many iterations of fascism is just militantly enforced socialism, but the GroupThink on the Left is that “people I don’t like are fascists” rather than using the word historically and politically accurately.

This blue-check-mark sums up the reactionary response excellently by exposing the false assumption they’re all making: they think that because Socialism is good, then by pointing out the fact that (or in their ignorant estimations: what they think is not a fact at all)

And of course this is the theme the other haters were all operating on –

And that is the state of the Left, just as it has been my whole life: if you point out facts or make solid argument that appears to hurt the public marketing attempts made by the Left, then you are the enemy. Doesn’t matter if you’re right. Doesn’t matter if you’re using a Leftist argument that is common. If it appears like you are humanizing anyone who the Left seeks to demonize then you aren’t an ally and have to be dismissed.
