In Defense of Seth Green

So there’s a video of Seth Green yelling at someone on set. big deal.
I’m annoyed because I clicked over to the video from a link that called it a “tantrum” and had lots of Green bashing comments, and indeed on youtube “Green is a douche” is the overwhelming sentiment. But just hold the hell on: lets examine the evidence here first…

Video of a guy yelling at someone is just that. Now, at the end he does something a little tantrumy that puts it over the line, but before that its just your run of the mill “you fucked up and you’re clearly not sorry about it at all, which i find extremely irritating and disrespectful” rant. The video does not show and does not make any claims in adjoining text anywhere on how it started, so wtf? How do we know the person getting yelled at didn’t start it or at least deserved it? There are a lot of stupid idiot arrogant smug jerkass self serving assholes on movie set staff. The gophers, the assistants, the prop guys: there is a straight 50/50 chance that any one of them will be competant and pleasant or completely horrible at life and apathetic about it and needs to get browbeaten and yelled at.

Again: the table + storm off is not the finest move. but there are not circumstances that could not justify them, so I’m waiting to hear them before passing condemnational judgment.

I’m also inclined to side with Seth in this brief, out of context clip because of the bullshit “hey man, chill out” physical contact. I hate that. there’s no reason for it. Green wasn’t getting violent and wasn’t, presumably, going into unhealthy or disturbingly nasty or long winded hate rants – he was telling someone what was up, so don’t try and pull this “hey, my healing touch will settle your mood” OR the more condescending “im going to step in and mother you right now even though you’re not wildly out of hand”. Green rejects the physical contact and tells him to back off, as he should have.

You people outside the business don’t realize what big important Hollywood stars like me and Seth Green have to deal with on a daily basis… Every celebrity yelling is not necessarily a tantrum.

I fully understand the penchant to view Seth Green as a total douchebag – he has everything working against him: he’s rich, he’s successful, he’s into nerd stuff, he’s short and when he plays a character on-screen, that character has mostly negative and douchie qualities. I get it. But these are not reasons to smear the real-life Seth Green, and I have reason to believe he is a normal and possibly even cool individual. If I’m wrong then fine, but out of context yelling does not a douchebag make, and I will defend that notion to the death (or at least till there are signs of injury, then I bail. but before then: I’m fighting god dammit).

Besides: there is always the (in my opinion, likely) possibility that this, with its convenient timing/editing and quick ending, is a total setup and all you attackers are playing right into a viral marketing scheme. I did recently hear him on the Dennis Miller radio show plugging a partnership with Butterfinger candybars, though idk how that specifically would enter into a video like this where no candy is visible or present, but that could be a later-reveal too.

I give the following odds of liklihood: 53% staged, 45% Seth was right, 2% Seth’s reaction was an unjustifiable crybaby tantrum.
Anyone wanna bet with me?…

UPDATE: BAM baby. Good thing no one bet me, cuz I’d own yo azzes. The video was a preview of the Butterfinger promo site featuring Mr Green.

I stand by everything I said in the original post, including the defense of Green under the supposition that it was a real tantrum caught on tape (which I only gave a 45% liklihood). EAT IT SUCKERS!

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