Disney does Anne Frank…maybe

I’ve been loosely following the development of this ever since I heard the news that Disney had hired David Mamet to write a screenplay for a film adaptation of an Anne Frank story. They later rejected it because it was “too dark” (wtf?) and didn’t focus on Anne enough…or at all. wait what? eh-yea… Apparently Mamet was all “mm. ya. Anne Frank. cool chick. – hey, what iiiif… we doooo… *THIS*…instead..ya?” and wrote a screenplay not about the teenage author of the diary he was assigned to write about, buuuut… about “a contemporary Jewish girl who goes to Israel and learns about the traumas of suicide bombing.” okay.. but what? Would it have been released under the title “How the Diary of Anne Frank made me think of this other neat story I think should be told”?

Made me remember some of the comments I saw on the DailyBeast – “What’s next? Giget Goes to Auschwitz?” – “Anne Frank the musical To be followed by The Diary of Anne Frank On Ice!?” Reminds me of the Saturday TV Funhouse SNL sketch of a Disney version of Titanic that included a preview of Anne Frank singing “I’m gonna write a novel some day”.

Is this what we have to look forward to?…