It Pays (literally) to look good

A 20 year study shows that good looking people get paid more:

In his book Beauty Pays, published by Princeton University Press, he claims good looking people enjoyed perks beyond their pay – such as party invites, business travel and office privileges – while less attractive workers are overlooked and can often be victims of discrimination.

Attractive people are more likely to be happier, earn more money, get a bank loan (with a lower interest rate) and marry equally good looking partners.

As a result, attractive employees are more productive, leading to higher sales and potentially higher profit for themselves or the company they work for.

Less cut and dried is what constitutes attractiveness. Far from being merely in the eye of the beholder, Professor Hamermesh points to a few subconscious factors – such as the symmetry of the face, facial expression and popularity factors (if the person looks like someone popular or famous).

Leave Miss California alone

About the whole Larry King weirdness: I don’t believe she just decided to take off her microphone and sit there by herself and thus I don’t think it even makes sense to call this a “meltdown”. A meltdown would be if she cracked under pressure or freaked out and couldnt take it anymore. Instead what happened was that Larry King was asked not to raise certain questions or even go near certain topics, which is why you GO on Larry King – he’s the show that does that. There aren’t a few shows left on cable news where you can just tell your side of the story without being challenged, probed or fact checked by the host and King is one of the last, if not THE last who will accept “no no areas” of questioning from his guests. There was a miscommunication somewhere and King went into that area. big deal. After that happens, Larry goes to the phones which evidently was the other thing that was agreed beforehand to not happen and Carrie appears to be told by, probably her handler/legal council, to take off her microphone. she does. It’s awkward cuz she doesn’t walk off the set, but rather waits for CNN to get their shit together and realize they made a mistake in breaking the terms and cut to commercial or something so they can hash it out and return for a normal ending. CNN didnt do that and ya, it looks weird, but what else was Carrie supposed to do, really?

SECOND: Here’s the deal on the “sex tape” that isnt a sex tape (you can’t make a solo sex tape. by definition, sex involves another person): if they were all for one guy, then it no diff than there only being one. if they were for more than one guy – even if its 2 and not 7 separate dudes – then its all out the window.

The best interview comes on Fox News’ RedEye, where host Greg Gutfeld jokingly, but not jokingly at all, lectures Carrie about sex tapes right off the bat.