The Silly Side of Mrs Hitler

If you click over to the full article at the end and see all the pictures, this is actually an interesting insight into a historical figure’s personal life. Eva Braun appears to be a total hippie: animal lover, environmentalist, socialist (obvs), enjoys the theater and is delightful and easy going unless you bring up the hot button issues she feels strongly about. The article is worth looking at but these pictures stand out too much NOT to be highlighted… dude..

Here she is in blackface…

And here she is nude with a modesty-umbrella covering her Reinlands that you may Nazi even though you may Reich to:

“The photos in this collection are from the private albums of Braun which were confiscated by the U.S. Army in 1945 and taken into the National Archives where many remained, largely undigitised,” The Daily Mail reports.

See the rest of the images from the Daily Mail.

Outrage!: Sarah Palin might have been to close to non-dangerous bears!

This clip of Sarah Palin in a boat near bears hit the web weeks ago but some group finally got around to finding something to freak out about over it. When I heard about this at first it sounded like Sarahcuda jumped on a grizzly and rode it like a pony with baby Trigg spinning on one finger like a Globetrotters basketball. Instead it turns out to be a big over reaction just to complain about something.

The Guardian reports that the director of the Alaska Wildlife Alliance thinks Palin broke the rules of Wolverine Creek which is a place in Alaska where bears and humans alike go fishing.

Large brown bears gather in Wolverine Creek because the fishing is so easy and the animals have, in the process, become a tourist spectacle. But Toppenberg warned that by behaving in an apparently irreverent manner, Palin was doing nothing to foster responsibility among visitors. “She is encouraging the violation of important guidelines that allows tourism to flourish in Alaska. She is inviting future problems with the tourism industry and, in particular, the bear-viewing industry,” he said.

This guy is being a total douche. He calls Palins actions a “travesty”. The fuck? She wasn’t throwing rocks at the god damn cubs – She drifts in their direction slowly and with caution, leaves them alone, shows fear and respect for the possible danger and then leaves.

Making this even more bizarre though is that the criticism is not that she was being dangerous…

But this enraged Toppenberg. “She implies that she is somehow in danger or being brave. That’s complete nonsense,” he said. “Wolverine Creek is the one place in Alaska where the bears are tolerant and completely habituated to the presence of people and boats. But the guidelines are there for a reason.”

If this is worthy of outrage for you, you need to get a friggin life. If this is the best fuel you’re using to make an anti-Palin case you fail even harder because she’s such a font of legit criticism. Do you not read her Twitter or Facebook or watch her on Fox News? She’s an endless stream of bullseye’s to make news over and gain points for your side (or just lower hers) on and you’re wasting your time on criticism like “she’s too damn enthusiastic about nature”? *facepalm* – You’re doing it wrong…

Be scared that she might run for president, not that she might have broken a “spirit of the law” rule concerning domesticated wildlife that caused no harm.

Another reason I think jumping on this may be ill-advised is that Palin is constantly trolling… she dont just bait fish hooks.. on Facebook, on Twitter, on Fox News – she is ALWAYS throwing something out there that looks like its crazystupidwrong and then owns everyone who jumped on it before all the facts were in. this allows her more controversial comments to slip under the radar. so i wouldnt be surprised if this episode has a buttload of “bears are dangerous” type of PSA warnings and crap in it and she’s gonna lean back smugly over the hype. I dont wanna play that game.

Intolerant hippies on the attack again

John Mackey – the founder, CEO and marketing genius behind Whole Foods – finds himself in an organic, unsustainable mess with his carefully cultivated affluent, liberal customer base after penning an Op-Ed in the Wall Street Journal titled, “The Whole Foods Alternative to ObamaCare.”

While we clearly need health-care reform, the last thing our country needs is a massive new health-care entitlement that will create hundreds of billions of dollars of new unfunded deficits and move us much closer to a government takeover of our health-care system. Instead, we should be trying to achieve reforms by moving in the opposite direction—toward less government control and more individual empowerment. Here are eight reforms that would greatly lower the cost of health care for everyone:

And then proceeds to list them. The column is definitely worth the read if you’re even a little interested in the subject. In his list are evidently outrageous things like “Enact tort reform” and “Make costs transparent so that consumers understand what health-care treatments cost.”

This, to the intolerant closed minded brainwashed bubble living freaks of the granola left is completely unacceptable…

Andrew Brietbart notes the absurdity on display here through a Washington Times column on the subject:

Mr. Mackey, a free-market libertarian, is now at the mercy of an unforgiving grass-roots mob intent on destroying his company. More than 25,000 people have signed on to a Whole Foods boycott on Facebook.

“Whole Foods has built its brand with the dollars of deceived progressives,” the online petition reads. “Let them know your money will no longer go to support Whole Foods’ anti-union, anti-health insurance reform, right-wing activities.”

He goes on to note that, features unintentionally comical video testimonials from aggrieved former customers. *yawn*

Greta Van Susteren asks Russell Mokhiber, organizer of a boycott against Whole Foods if CEO John Mackey is a bad guy. “Yeah, I do. Yeah, he’s a bad guy.” Greta, playing defense for the controversial right to disagree tells him”You stun me”. Whole Foods supporter Cyrstal Jones provides balance and sanity in this segment. Greta apologizes to her for having her “horns locked” with the Whole Foods boycott organizer.

More from Breitbarts WashTimes article:

But Mr. Mackey missed the key ingredient of modern liberalism: intolerance to the ideas of nonliberals. And this miscalculation may prove to be devastating to his multibillion-dollar business.

Everywhere one looks these days, the intolerance of self-avowed liberals is on display. Especially since Mr. Obama came to power.

The purportedly open-minded and empathic among us who now run everything – save for NASCAR and Nashville – openly wage war against those who dare disagree.

Some man-on-the-street reactions worth hearing:

Besides, Boycotts are stupid, unless you’re boycotting baseball:

Boycotts are stupid. Well, except my boycott of baseball. But that’s different. It’s not a boycott so much as it is that I just don’t enjoy the sport as much now that I realize that most of the people involved in it have no integrity on the doping issue. Plus, it’s just way too slow. I prefer the fast pace of golf.

But back to boycotts, the Whole Foods boycott really seems odd to me because there is a lot to like about Whole Foods’ philosophy. If you want to encourage small brands that use organic farming — if you want to encourage a different kind of neighborhood store — if you want to encourage less waste from plastic bags — if you want to eat good food … then you shop at Whole Foods. But the CEO has some thoughts on health care that you disagree with, so you throw all that out the window and boycott? That makes no sense to me.

Greenpeace: well ya, we exagerate, but we need to emotionalize

Hippie enviro-group Greenpeace spokesdude Gerd Leipold admitted on the BBC to ridiculously exaggerating the possible effects of global warming but justified it since, duh, no one’s gonna like totally care about the earth n stuff unless we scare the shit out of them with scary stories about us all drowning because of SUVs.

Reporter Stephen Sackur was all wtf about a July 15th press release that sounded the OMG alarm for immediate action against your lifestyle and the countries economy because if we don’t do as they say then all of the Arctic ice would disappear by 2030. You can watch the full interview here if you’re interested, but the golden moment is this admission where the Greenpeace leader immediately admits that the claim in the press release is laughable bullshit designed to scare women and children into submitting to hippie law and order.. or something.

Good thing Greenpeace is just a concerned science based organization with no alternate agenda other than caring for the planet n stuff.

Although he admitted Greenpeace had released inaccurate but alarming information, Leipold defended the organization’s practice of “emotionalizing issues” in order to bring the public around to its way of thinking and alter public opinion.

Leipold said later in the BBC interview that there is an urgent need for the suppression of economic growth in the United States and around the world. He said annual growth rates of 3 percent to 8 percent cannot continue without serious consequences for the climate.

“We will definitely have to move to a different concept of growth. … The lifestyle of the rich in the world is not a sustainable model,” Leipold said. “If you take the lifestyle, its cost on the environment, and you multiply it with the billions of people and an increasing world population, you come up with numbers which are truly scary.”

