The Riddler in the Dark Knight Returns

An excellent fan rendition of what the next Nolan Batman movie might look like. Rumors are abound, including Johnny Depp as the Riddler, but none are anywhere near conformable and no deals have been made, scripts drafted, actors cast, or budget provided. All speculation, but still fun

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0 thoughts on “The Riddler in the Dark Knight Returns”

  1. they should have daniel-day lewis play the joker in arkham asylum.
    and i think they should really mess up that dude Mr. Reese from The Dark Knight (Mysteries…get it?) and make him the Riddler, an obsessed and corrupt CORPORATE LAWYER who wants all the attention on the things he knows!!! they shouldn’t pick Johnny Depp. He’s been blown to pieces more than Christain Bale. Heck, Christain Bale is a type cast already…he should do like Jason Statham though and keep doing the same types of B-movies (not batman) over and over though. It’s his calling. He won’t have a whole lot of range after this.

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