Great. now I have a craving for fried butter

Mmmmmm. Sounds abso-fricken-lutely scrumdiddlyumptious

Deep-fried butter.

That’s right. This artery-clogging, heart-stopping dish is among eight new deep-fried concoctions that will be unveiled to the public at the State Fair of Texas in Dallas later this month. Each year, fair concessionaires try to outdo themselves by dreaming up recipes that could send you racing to your cardiologist if they became regular staples of your diet. The friendly competition has become so intense that fair officials have dubbed the fairgrounds the “Fried Food Capital of Texas.”

This year’s fried butter entry is the brainchild of 39-year-old Dallas resident Abel Gonzales Jr., winner of past state fair competitions for his Texas Fried Cookie Dough, Fried Peanut Butter, Jelly and Banana Sandwich and Fried Coke recipes.

(That’s right. Fried Coke.)

Dude whips up fresh, 100% pure butter, chops it into squares, freezes it and then wraps the frozen chunks in dough, frys em up and creates a heavenly little ball of joy.

Gonzales says “I mean, butter by itself does not taste good,” Gonzales said. “Nobody just grabs a stick of butter and eats it. That would be gross.” – Obviously he’s not a Simpsons fan (and if anyone can find a clip from when Homer did that, send it my way).

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