Chillax. Ebola isn’t a threat to Western Civilization

As soon as this ebola nonsense became the easy go-to panic-attack for the media to collectively have a fit over instead of anything that actually matters, I knew we’d be in for a long bombardment of scaremongering but it’s annoying and needs to get kicked in the nuts already.

The ebola virus, as far as everything we currently know, is not transmittable by air. Maybe some mutant zombie version will get out there and slaughter us all but as of now there is no reason whatsoever to think that is even possible, let alone likely. The Americans who contracted it all hung around mass numbers of people and obviously traveled from Africa and despite doing so in metal tubes of recirculated air for many hours, no passengers contracted the virus. That should tell you what you need to know.

As usual, dumbass hippies are to blame. There’s nothing a hippie loves more than to spread fear over something there is nothing to hold legitimate fear over and the foundation of hippie religion is that all cultures are exactly the same (stemming from its Marxist roots). But cultures arent the same. So just because Ebola is a problem in Africa doesn’t mean it can or will become one in America. You may not have noticed, hippies, but Africa is kindov a sh*thole in many regards. One of them is medical advancement. Wanna know who gets ebola in Africa? People treating ebola patients. Wanna know how? The only way ebola is spread… bodily fluids. People dealing with the blood and vomit of infected patients are more likely to have that infected fluid come in contact with their own open wounds and whatnot and tragically contract the virus. We have better medical standards in America, making that risk far less significant.

Know what else we have? Gatorade. Also known as “the cure for early onset ebola”. That’s not a joke. The first ebola victim in the US could have been saved if he was properly diagnosed. Wanna know how? Not with chemo or heavy treatment or 10 shots of a special anecdote but rather: with an IV drip of electrolytes and bedrest…. This virus is so non-threatening that you can murder it by relaxing with a few bottles of Arctic Blast. CALM DOWN…


You have to contract the virus via bodily fluids from someone who is infected in order to be infected yourself…

Naps and sports drinks are the cure for ebola in its initial stages…


You don’t have to be acting like this guy:

But in fact, ebola isn’t even that huge a plague in Africa, making it twice as ridiculous that we’re accepting this freak-out over it…

Here’s a rule of thumb about diseases: The rarer and less likely they are to kill you, the more hype they get. The New York Times ran more than 2,000 articles on SARS, which ultimately killed zero Americans.

This is only the deadliest outbreak of Ebola virus disease because past ones were so tiny. At this writing, there have been 1,603 reported cases in Africa and 887 deaths.

That’s too many. But every day about 600 sub-Saharan Africans die of tuberculosis, and contagious diarrhea claims the lives of 2,195 children, the vast majority of them in sub-Saharan Africa.

Malaria, syphilis, AIDS and probably dozens of other diseases each year kill Africans at higher rates than Ebola is killing right now.

Don’t get fearmongered into thinking this is any sort of big deal. You’ll all be fine.