Dear Atheists: History revision is not necessary to the argument

After seeing this getting applauded by like-minded people, I figured I should comment:

The truth is that America was not founded on the 1797 treaty of Tripoli and that the country wouldnt exist if not for the Judeo Christian values of every one of its founders with no “actually, so&so was just a deist” exceptions.

Jefferson wanted the seal of the US to be the Jews leaving Egypt for christ sakes. Stop using these arguments that rely on the readers ignorance. Just cuz religion is silly and that we have a secular government that doesnt take into account religious dogma doesnt mean we should rewrite history to remove religious influence.

The country is not “in any sense” not based on Christianity – it is in “some sense”. That should be good enough for both sides.

Praise Bieber & may his love continue to guide us.

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