Amy Winehouse, dead at 27

Is anyone tricked into using narcotic substances? Especially celebrities? Is anyone ever handed something and told it’s sugar and then BAM – addicted for life? Or does everyone choose to have this burden on them out of pure selfishness with no regard to for, obviously themselves, but more importantly: the people around them?

If the cause of death is what we all expect it to be, people should be more angry than they are sad. When you are a public figure with fans, you owe it to they who gave you your lifestyle and livelihood to not destroy yourself.

Is it in bad taste to talk badly about someones drug related death? To their mom, yes. To your own friends or others not personally involved? eff no. The facebook friend above continued to say that derogatory comments about Winehouse are “just rude and bad manners. And it speaks to your character.”, but I dont see how speaking of someones bad character speaks badly of your character. if thats the case then you have bad character for speaking about the bad character of the people speaking about Winehouses bad character. it never ends…

The series of choices it takes to get yourself addicted to deadly drugs is worthy of scorn and ridicule. especially when youre a public figure because you’re breaking that many more hearts by destroying yourself. fuck Winehouse.

Idk anything about Harry Potter, but this is still funny:

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