Justin Bieber in Teen Vogue

This might be in the running for best photoshoot ever… can you even imagine it being described? “We’re gonna take you down to Venice beach.. with your skateboard.. aaand… a powder blue tuxedo shirt and white bow tie with plaid pants and a yellow fedora………. and by God… it’ll be magnificent”.

How this little twerp gets away with these random acts of awesome and maintains an air of cool – when i would be drafted as mayor of Fag City if I even described this as a joke – let alone did it for real – makes the Biebs my passionately hated idol…


this photo is everything i wish i ever was.. and more

there are just no words…

in my dreams, he’s throwing it to me. and when i reach inside.. its his heart.. not a metaphor or a cartoon heart or anything.. but a bloody, still pumping organ.. and then i eat it. and cry. and sit back and digest.. digest Justin Biebers freshly cut heart…
hats off to you Biebs… always.
<3 oneLuv

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