Fishy info

The Whitehouse is asking people to send “fishy” information they’re seeing online to so the Obama administration can lay the truth-hammer down on any stray dis-info nails. In theory, I love the idea, but some Obama critics are freaking out about its Orwellian implications, like Obama is going to use these emails to come after anyone who’s talking smack about his HopeandChange master plan.

The White House cannot delete communications, nor keep information about citizens exercising their free speech rights. Linda Douglass admits the White House is Breaking the law.

Linda Douglas is a disaster

Some people are just not willing to give the Obama administration any benefit of the doubt at all and former ABC reporter turned Whitehouse media relations employee Linda Douglas is gonna set all ya alls straight, or something.

Unfortunately for poor Linda, her position has been a bit of a clusterfuck disaster.

Just because Obama said he “would like to see” a single payer Healthcare plan, doesn’t mean that was REALLY what he “would like to see”. Gawd u guyz. lol.

Glenn Beck calls Douglas a Disinformation Czar and introduced on two occasions his own disinformation Disinformation Czar, also known as Stu, the producer of his radio show…

the update:

Glenn Beck thinks Obama is racist

Beck is wrong, but it is more wrong for the shallow minded hippies who oppose him to brush him off as just a nut and an asshole so they don’t have to burn the calories actually defending the President they support.

Protesters constantly and illegally called for the murder of president Bush while he was in office, and hardly any such cases were prosecuted and a total of zero of them were the discussions of cable news shows and mainstream media reports of concern. Bush as Hitler was a popular meme among the hippie detractors and a small faction within those same hippie detractors are now trying to get that label stuck on Obama (though will no success as most of their fellow liberals like the guy). How come this wasn’t an OMFG moment back then, but now one dude says he thinks a President who attended a Black Nationalist church for 20 years might have a problem with race and this is the time to freak the fuck out?…really?

Glenn Explains His Statement made on Fox & Friends. Not by any consensus definition (Political Correctness Demanding There Be No Such Thing As A Black Racist) but by the standards that the Media has employed against whites there is no question Obama isa racist.

Still not satisfied? Beck continues explaining in a continuation of the clip above:

9/11 Anniversary. McCain and Obama visit ground zero

7th anniversary already. Bush 7, terrorists 0? or did they just get bored with us and decide to give the whole jihadist war on the Great Satan a rest for 7 to 10?

McCain and Obama at ground zero today, shook hands, then dropped roses in the memorial pool at the still unreconstructed site (no excuse for that) of the former World Trade Center in Manhattan. Demonstrators (mostly truthers) were out making a scene or course.

The two candidates met with firemen, police and others involved in the terrifying aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attacks in which Al-Qaeda-hijacked airliners hit and demolished the Twin Towers.

The most striking thing about this video is clear I think: not the unity or spectacle of the contrasting opponents side by side or any of that garbage. It’s their walks. They both have silly walks… McCain waddles. Obama sways his arms and shoulders like a 1920’s cartoon. Ya, McCain is old and was tortured for a bunch of years which might excuse his a little, but what’s Obama’s explanation for that ridiculous swagger? I think this makes the election clear at this point. America needs to decide whether they want a president who waddles or limply swaggers.

The truce extended later to a televised forum where the two half-jokingly offered each other the job of cabinet secretary for civic service in their respective administrations.

McCain praised Obama’s “outstanding” early career as a community activist in Chicago — reversing belittling comments made previously by his running mate Sarah Palin — while Obama called his rival’s lifetime of service “inspirational.”

Exit: I wasn’t an Instapundit reader at the time, but its interesting to see the event unfold in Reynolds unique blogging format. Archive of from 9/11/01 here.

Tom Hanks endorses Obama

Tom Hanks, in this video shows how to do it, if you MUST and only if you absolutely MUST endorse a presidential candidate as a celebrity: with humility, self deprecating humor, candor, and sincerity not wild eyed passion.

The only misstep I didn’t care for was his line about the country considering people of his skin color only 3/5ths of a human. Phrasing it that way is to imply that ALL people of color had that worth legally atattched to them. I’ve heard others in the media distort the history on this (none intentionally I believe) and its important to correct that the United States never said that all black people were 3 fifths of a human being. That designation was applied only to slaves, and even in 1776, not all people in America with dark skin were slaves. Michael Medved, who is a big American History afficionado (as is Tom Hanks) made an interesting point about this the other day when he said the 3 fifths designation was actually more than anti-slavery activists at the time wanted because its only purpose was Congressional designation. So in other words, if you hated slavery then you wanted slaves to be counted as 0% of a person because they weren’t allowed to vote. Counting them as 3 fifths of a person only served to seat more congressmen.

Although it’s disappointing that Hanks’ endorsement comes down to it being all about race (isn’t Obama supposed to be the ultimate non-divider?), the delivery is pleasant and not at all obnoxious, which is something other politically active celebrities could take a cue from.

Exit question: was it the best idea to hand over the subliminal metaphor of Obama’s possible campaign result in that sinking ship picture over his shoulder?