BBC says its “homophobia” to observe lesbian appearance

Memo to gay community: combat homophobia by not being such whiny crybaby little sissy bitches.

Graham Norton has been scolded by BBC chiefs after making a playful observation about the haircuts of lesbians. The Daily Mail reports that he “has been warned about ‘ reinforcing a potentially offensive stereotype’ after his comments were investigated by the corporation”. Bullshit with the “potentially offensive stereotype” idiocy. New Rule: Actual human beings who are responsible for and then reinforce these sterotypes you hippies find so offensive must come under criticism and crackdown FIRST, then you can start harassing the people who talk about them. Hippies are always thought-policing speech about minorities, but never criticizing the minorities who embody the speech. Hypocrite tools.

The objection posed as the question “What does a lesbian look like?” is retarded and Graham was right to quickly quip back “THAT” as he pointed to the picture. Hippies can’t stand that kind of reasoning though because they’re brainwashed to think any observations on appearance are bad. Doesn’t matter the intent (Graham, who is gay, was not making an anti-gay remark) and certainly doesn’t matter if it’s true; it just must not be said.

Political correctness requires people to lie in service of a hippie bullshit ideology where everyone is the same carbon based automoton. It operates under the fallacy that a description can only be accurate if it applies to literally everything. Thus, things that are generally true (aka “generalizations”) or even overwhelmingly true are forbidden speech under political correctness because if it’s not true 100% of the time, then it’s not true. Therefore, Seattle isn’t rainy because its not raining 24 hours a day, and lesbians aren’t fat and short haired because Rosie O’Donnells girlfriend is thin with long hair.

Greenpeace: well ya, we exagerate, but we need to emotionalize

Hippie enviro-group Greenpeace spokesdude Gerd Leipold admitted on the BBC to ridiculously exaggerating the possible effects of global warming but justified it since, duh, no one’s gonna like totally care about the earth n stuff unless we scare the shit out of them with scary stories about us all drowning because of SUVs.

Reporter Stephen Sackur was all wtf about a July 15th press release that sounded the OMG alarm for immediate action against your lifestyle and the countries economy because if we don’t do as they say then all of the Arctic ice would disappear by 2030. You can watch the full interview here if you’re interested, but the golden moment is this admission where the Greenpeace leader immediately admits that the claim in the press release is laughable bullshit designed to scare women and children into submitting to hippie law and order.. or something.

Good thing Greenpeace is just a concerned science based organization with no alternate agenda other than caring for the planet n stuff.

Although he admitted Greenpeace had released inaccurate but alarming information, Leipold defended the organization’s practice of “emotionalizing issues” in order to bring the public around to its way of thinking and alter public opinion.

Leipold said later in the BBC interview that there is an urgent need for the suppression of economic growth in the United States and around the world. He said annual growth rates of 3 percent to 8 percent cannot continue without serious consequences for the climate.

“We will definitely have to move to a different concept of growth. … The lifestyle of the rich in the world is not a sustainable model,” Leipold said. “If you take the lifestyle, its cost on the environment, and you multiply it with the billions of people and an increasing world population, you come up with numbers which are truly scary.”

