Mainstream Media parrot lie about Trumps George Floyd sentiment over equality

President Trump held a news conference regarding the improving job market but diverted from the subject of economics to also comment on the pertinent subject of equality and justice as they pertain to police interactions. He honored George Floyd and noted that equality is “really what our Constitution requires and it’s what our country is all about“ and hoped that Floyd might be gazing from heaven with gladness that the country is going through that focus. Nice words. So naturally, every liar who hates him lied about it…

Trumps actual quote + my imagined paraphrase of the collective voices crafting the response went exactly like

“President Trump: “Equal justice under the law must mean that every American receives equal treatment in every encounter with law enforcement regardless of race … Hopefully George Floyd is looking down right now & saying this is a great thing that’s happening for our country … in terms of equality”.

-followed by something like:

Corporate Press: “crap. Way too unifying and positive. um… lets go with ‘Trump sez Floyd would be impressed by the current jobless rates’, or something. No one googles this shit anyway lol”…

Not very classy, guys… It’s one thing to run with the “Trump sed to drink bleach!” type of fake quotes without looking up the actual video because you think its funny and doesn’t need to be accurate because “it sounds like something he’d say anyway” but you’re really gonna bring George Floyd into that game of liars telephone?… Rude.”

Take a look at this lineup of over a dozen blue-check-marks repeating the lie.

I didn’t examine the time stamps to located which chickens came before which eggs on when the media’s domino of dishonesty started toppling on this narrative, but they all went with the basic theme of cutting out the separation of topics between the economy and equal justice in policing in order to squish Trumps words about the George Floyd together with the other topic of the U.S. economy. The context and separation of topics was in no way unclear, but most news media knows people don’t fact-check anti-Trump reports to any degree of consequence, so it was an easy editorial choice to go with the lie.

I encourage you to follow the link to the other examples of how this was reported, but the award for most boiled-down version of the narrative was this Bloomberg post that basically just took the talking points of the smear and made it a news report. The headline reads “Trump Invokes Floyd in Jobs Remarks as Black Unemployment Soars” as a double misleader that both lies about the President invoking Floyd “in jobs remarks” (he didn’t. It was a conference on job growth but Floyd was never mentioned in any context of anything about jobs) and adding the “as [this other negative thing happens]” technique of leading the reader (as opposed to reporting on Trumps thesis that a strong economy will bring racial justice). The byline bullet point below the headline contradicts it by admitting that Trump said ‘A great day for him’ ‘after remarks on equality’ (not remarks on jobs…), and then reports that black unemployment rose to 16.8%. Then they use *this* photo of Trump mid-action of getting up or down from his seat, just to make sure the point is driven home to the reader that we’re not supposed to be viewing this favorably.

With the number of outlets that ran with the fake narrative in the mainstream media – you can imagine the level of less stringent fact checkers repeating it all over social media. I scrolled through 4 different people posting 3 different links with the lie on Facebook before I even looked other areas to see the ditto’s echoing the line that Trump claimed a deified figure of history would be their fan.

This meme was basically a fake news re-tread of a 2013 story that actually in where Justin Bieber visited the Anne Frank museum and opined that “Anne Frank was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a Belieber” (his name for his followers).

Obama wants to spend more money we don’t have

America spends more money than it takes in. Leftists propose that we fix this by just taking more money from people who have the most, ignoring the fact that if we confiscated 100% of every billionaires income, it would only last us a short time. In fact if we confiscated all the wealth of ALL the rich people in the country (not just their income but everything), we still wouldn’t be able to last for more than a year. See the video below for the breakdown of the math or skip ahead for more explanation.

As the video explains: Wars are not the problem. Don’t believe the Ron Paul and hippie hype on that. The Iraq war counts for less than 8% of the federal debt. The problem is entitlement spending.

President Obama uses our tax money the way I use my parents credit card in the Justin Bieber aisle of Toys R Us: spending someone elses money on shit you don’t need to extents that those other people can’t afford…

Here is an easy way to understand what is going on with the nations debt problem:

When it’s put that frankly, it’s kinda hard to see how anyone thinks this is okay, let alone the people leading the nation and making these decisions…

Mitt Romney gets it:

Our country cannot continue on the same borrowing and spending approach to government. I believe that we have a moral responsibility to be fiscally responsible so that we do not leave future generations with massive debt.

Barack Obama unfortunately does not: Obama administration to seek $1.2 trillion debt ceiling increase.

Oh, good idea – spend even MORE to get out of debt. Ludicrous…

It’s not that Obama is a “socialist” in the popular mindset sense of the word, and that is why it is wrong for you Tea Party people to go throwing around the term. He’s not a socialist in the way Americans think of socialism (where Government owns all commerce), he’s just a “real life” socialist in that his policies don’t differ from existing socialist parties found elsewhere in the world.

Morbidly obese Ohioans starving on food stamps

“For Some Ohioans, Even Meat Is Out Of Reach” is the title of a recent NPR topical personalized report. Not because people in Ohio are getting shorter, but because they don’t have a job and are suffering the squeezes of a tight budget.

“The Nunez’s van broke down last fall” begins the sob story. Now, Gloria Nunez’s 19-year-old daughter has no reliable transportation out of their subsidized housing complex in Fostoria, 40 miles south of Toledo, to look for a job.

Nunez and most of her siblings and their spouses are unemployed and rely on government assistance and food stamps, says NPR. “Some have part-time jobs, but working is made more difficult with no car or public transportation” they report, which doesn’t sound quite right in the context of the full story which is an attack on the state of the economy.

Nunez, 40, has never worked and has no high school degree. She says a car accident 17 years ago left her depressed and disabled, incapable of getting a job. Instead, she and her daughter, Angelica Hernandez, survive on a $637 Social Security check and $102 in food stamps.

NPR does’nt say if the reason 19 year old Hernandez has a different last name than her mother because she is married to some bum who can’t support her already or what, so who knows, but this part of the report is… interesting:

People tell Nunez her daughter could get more money in public assistance if she had a child.

“A lot of people have told me, ‘Why don’t your daughter have a kid?'”

Continue reading Morbidly obese Ohioans starving on food stamps