Bachmanns Clinic is No Big Deal

In regards to the image above ^, I dont find it a biting satire cuz if you believe in God then you believe He does EVERYTHING. it’s fun to mock the gay curing thing but its no more stupid than thinking He’s helping you ace a test or win a football game.

The truth is that the clinic run by congresswoman Michelle Bachmann’s husband Marcus is no big deal. The left is attacking it because one of the services offered is help for people who don’t want to be gay. It’s appropriate to say something you think is silly, is silly, but the attacks on the Bachmanns have gone overboard for something that is such a non-issue. They’re not seeking out gay people and forcing them into re-education camps – they merely offer a service, which maybe you and I find silly, to people who want it.

The only thing I have an issue with about it is that it allegedly received Public funds (ie: taxpayer dollars). Public funds sounds scammy. but i dont care about her husband helping gay people not be gay if thats what they come to them for help for. I mean wtf do these haters want them to do? “NO bitch. you are condemned to a life of loving cock and theres nothing you can do about it”. i know a lot of people that love cock and anyone who also knows such people knows that that statement is not always true. so for the percentage its not always true for.. then… wtf is wrong with helping them out? my guess would be that you’re gonna be unsuccessful since the people who dont like the sex they get boners for probably have already changed without the aid of any clinic or spiritual help but what-the-fuck-ever.

I’m just as skeptical about a lot of holistic medical claims that the same hippies hating on Bachmann for support and endorse but i’m not a hypocrite like them and bash them for it. If it works for you then it works for you.

We have medical standards for the masses based on scientific knowledge and if you wanna go outside of them to try and get your cancer healed through massage therapy and meditation or you try to get your gay cured by prayer and Clockwork Orange style shock therapy (where you’re injected with something that makes you sick while youre forced to watch the gay porn version of Wild Hogs or a season of Glee) then fine.

McDonald’s targeting new demographics

Another one shows a younger male who also has a relationship with another man:

Discussing McDonalds’ push to bring in more minority demos, Bill O’Reilly asked whats next – an Al Queda commercial? Which of course gave his haters another excuse to lie about him. When I saw the headline “Bill O’Reilly compares gays to Al Queda” I was expecting, oh-I-dont-know…a comparison. Silly me. Instead he just says the word Al Queda and that to some people who, I guess hate homosexuals(?) a de-facto alarm that “gays are just like terrorists”. don’t try to make sense of it. just roll with it for laughs.

BBC says its “homophobia” to observe lesbian appearance

Memo to gay community: combat homophobia by not being such whiny crybaby little sissy bitches.

Graham Norton has been scolded by BBC chiefs after making a playful observation about the haircuts of lesbians. The Daily Mail reports that he “has been warned about ‘ reinforcing a potentially offensive stereotype’ after his comments were investigated by the corporation”. Bullshit with the “potentially offensive stereotype” idiocy. New Rule: Actual human beings who are responsible for and then reinforce these sterotypes you hippies find so offensive must come under criticism and crackdown FIRST, then you can start harassing the people who talk about them. Hippies are always thought-policing speech about minorities, but never criticizing the minorities who embody the speech. Hypocrite tools.

The objection posed as the question “What does a lesbian look like?” is retarded and Graham was right to quickly quip back “THAT” as he pointed to the picture. Hippies can’t stand that kind of reasoning though because they’re brainwashed to think any observations on appearance are bad. Doesn’t matter the intent (Graham, who is gay, was not making an anti-gay remark) and certainly doesn’t matter if it’s true; it just must not be said.

Political correctness requires people to lie in service of a hippie bullshit ideology where everyone is the same carbon based automoton. It operates under the fallacy that a description can only be accurate if it applies to literally everything. Thus, things that are generally true (aka “generalizations”) or even overwhelmingly true are forbidden speech under political correctness because if it’s not true 100% of the time, then it’s not true. Therefore, Seattle isn’t rainy because its not raining 24 hours a day, and lesbians aren’t fat and short haired because Rosie O’Donnells girlfriend is thin with long hair.

Mr T reacts to his banned Snickers commercial (with Bonus Dennis Miller reaction to T’s reaction)

This cracked me up. Could Mr T get more awesome? Seriously… He delivers a genuine and powerful, yet amusing retort to the idiocy over his candy bar ad being offensive to homosexuals because… I’m not sure why. Because gay people walk with a swish
“I have been pitying fools for 28 years and its never personal”. Indeed T.

In the following segment, Dennis Miller asked “what’s next? Women protesting over Mounds bars?” to which O’Reilly paused and noted that he didn’t get it before a quick recovery saying he did – followed by a ziplipped Miller for 2 seconds, letting O’Reilly stumble in his awkward oopsie.

They go off subject right afterward and comment on other news of the day as usual for the segment, but Dennis loops it around by saying Obama needs to “grow a set of Snickers” and teased O’Reilly over the Mounds bar crack to which both were visibly amused.

How is this not everyone’s favorite show again?…

Gay couples use weddings as wedges

Emotion is the sword in the anti-Prop 8 ballot measure in California as gay couples use their weddings in the fight to take away the definition of marriage away from the will of the public:

George Takei of “Star Trek” fame and his partner, Brad Altman, are working with the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation to publicize their Sept. 14 wedding in an effort to put a “public face” on the gay marriage issue. The Human Rights Campaign, meanwhile, has listed them as the first couple on their online registry.

Takei, 71, and Altman, 54, have also asked friends and family to make donations in honor of the wedding to the Japanese-American National Museum in Los Angeles, where they are holding their ceremony.

“We don’t need another toaster or another set of silverware,” said Takei, who is of Japanese ancestry. “So we thought we’d have people who want to celebrate with a gift, do that with these two institutions.”

Yager, the wedding planner, said same-sex couples have found other ways to provide monetary support to defeating Proposition 8, including purchasing wedding favors from vendors that will then donate the proceeds to gay rights organizations.

The Los Angeles Gay & Lesbian Center has made the process easier by creating an online resource for same-sex couples. The site lists more than 60 wedding businesses _ providing everything from invitations to lighting _ that donate to the center, which has given $200,000 to the No on 8 campaign, said spokesman Jim Key.