California ranked “worst state in the Union”

More specifically: California has the worst quality of life.

California – the state I live in –  has the highest state income tax in the nation, the highest sales tax rate in the nation, the highest gasoline tax in the nation, the 8th highest corporate income tax rate in the nation, the highest “minimum corporate tax” in the nation (each corporation must pay at least $800 to the state just to exist – even if it does not make a dime in profit) — and all for what? State revenues continue to decline, crime and traffic and other misery makers remain stagnant and trends arent heading in a positive direction for the Golden State.

Greg Gutfeld notes:

It’s a case where being No. 1 means, really, you’re No. 2. A new study ranks California dead last of all the states in quality of life, making it tops at being on the bottom.

States were ranked on everything from education to opportunity, from infrastructure to crime. But California scored low for one simple reason: It’s impossible to live there unless you are super rich or homeless — then come one, come all.