And Now An Important Piece on Sarah Palins Boobs

Getting to the bottom of the issues that really affect the country and the world: investigating the accusation that a former politician and present commentator had breast implants since her rack looks bigger in one picture than it does in another from several years ago before she had her most recent child (people familiar with body changes pertaining to pregnancy found the difference less suspicious).

On Fox News, Greta Van Susteren actually addressed the buzz from the blogs and actually asked Palin if she had implants. Which I have mixed feelings about. On the one hand, this is wildly stupid, but on the other, if you have a guest on your show who is the subject of wildly stupid commentary you have an obligation to your viewers to create entertaining and informative content which usually consists of addressing wildly stupid commentary surrounding that guest. It’s more a sign of the emerging prominence of foolish focal points leaking into areas of otherwise serious journalism and current event commentary than it is anything Greta did wrong but it’s still bizarre to the point where even Palin has to acknowledge as much by prefacing her answer to the question with a “bless your heart” style sugar coated way of saying “I can’t believe you actually just said that you crazy b*tch”….

“Clean up and save a whale or something instead of reporting on such stupid things like that”.

Bill O’Reilly’s comment after playing the clip is my reaction exactly. We are now at a place in news media where anchors are delivering hard questions such as “Boob job. Did you have one??”. Oy…

The Last Golden Girl

An emotional Betty White remembers her friends… In an exclusive Nightline interview, actress Betty White, 88, opens up about Rue McClanahan‘s recent passing and shares how it feels to be the last Golden Girl standing. “It’s so ironic, because I was the oldest of all four of them. Isn’t that silly?” she says tearfully. “I’m the survivor.”

Bless her heart for answering the retarded opening question “did you ever think you’d be the last Golden Girl” with a genuine answer instead of pointing out its stupidity by saying “yes bitch, I thought about it all the time. every day I walked on set I was like ‘ooo, ima outlive ALL you muh-fkkers, lol'”

It’s going to be a sad day in Richardland when she leaves us as well…

Jaden Smith looks great

this isnt gross cuz im not saying i wanna f#ck him or anything, but Jaden Smith (the new Karate Kid) is just flippin gorgeous, amirite? course im fkking right. that kids got all the right features. I’m not being gay about it, don’t be gross. he’s like 8 years old. if i were gonna go gay for an 8 year old, we all know it would be Justin Bieber.

Also, he looks like the kid from The Boondocks:

Jaden Smith (the Karate Kid) Totally Looks Like Riley "Nigga" Freeman

Haley Williams “accidently” uploads topless pic of herself

Idk wtf a “Paramore” is (sounds like something you need to win a card game) or who the hell Haley Williams is, but i DID just find out the song she sings is a song, excatly 1 day ago. I’ve been wondering why so many (always female) on Facebook, Twitter and Myspace have been posting this stupid crap as a status: “Can we pretend that airplanes, In the night sky, Are like shooting stars. I could really use a wish right now”. I finally Googled it yesterday after realizing it must be a song (cuz that’s how females on these sites express themselves: through song lyrics. seriously.. you think im joking.. thats 90% of their posts). The song is posted at the end. The reason I’m writing a post about someone I’ve never heard of is because the first time I saw her today, she had her boobs out. That deserves a little richardland attench.

A topless photo of the flame-haired Paramore frontwoman staring seductively into the camera was tweeted out to her 600,000+ followers on Twitter late today (May 27). There’s no telling how it got there — perhaps her phone was hacked, or she simply uploaded the wrong photo, or she meant to send it in a direct message — but the photo was quickly deleted. But not before getting over 5,000 views. Most of the comments on the naughty shot were from puzzled fans, many simply saying, “WTF,” “OMG,” or “R U Crazy!?”

(yes, yes, I’m linking to the uncensored picture for your nude celebrity research needs)

Evidently she later tweeted that she got hacked. I doubt it. Maybe it was an accident, but my suspicion says more so that it’s a publicity stunt. and I’ve never said that before. I’m always against the crowd that thinks every mistake was done on purpose as a stunt because I (being such a powerful and influential Hollywood industry insider) I know how those things are REALLY crafted and REALLY pulled off. this is fishy, although I can’t be 100% cuz I would think she would take a more flattering boob shot. Even the amateurs that email me their racks on a daily basis know how to do it: standing up taking a picture of yourself in the mirror. Everyone knows thats how its done. sooo… wtf? I call BS.

Jennifer Love Hewitt teaches us love stuff

I previously covered Jennifer Love Hewitts new book, specifically its content on decorating her vagina with plastic jewelry, but A blogger at NPR (yes, National Public Radio has bloggers now) has pulled some choice quotes that will give us all the feeling of having read the whole thing:

JenLove gives us so many gifts, not the least of which is the introduction of “lol” into the printed word:

“Guys hate to spoon — they prefer to fork, lol!”

Let that sink in a little bit… You’ll need a clear mind to take in the next:

“This is embarrassing and personal, but once a month, since I was twelve years old, I go to my favorite jewelry store and try on my dream ring.” She is 31 years old. If this is true, she has made roughly 225 trips to the jewelry store to try on engagement rings. I do not know where to go with this.


From the list of 20 Things To Do After A Breakup: “Make out with a stranger (he must be gorgeous or you’ll feel worse).”

Good lookin out on that “must be gorgeous” addendum. sure saved me!

From the list of 10 Things To Do Before A Date: “Spray tan is a must.”

Isn’t this obvious?

From the list of “Strikes,” where if a guy has three, you forget it: “He keeps saying ‘That’s so dumb’ when you’re talking.” Oh … Jennifer Love Hewitt. I’m so sorry that possibly might have happened to you once or twice or I’m assuming you might not have brought it up.

“Remember, your body is a temple, not a 7-Eleven.”

From the list of “What A Man Should Know”: “How to pick a diamond,” and “To always have a coat for you.” A coat for you? Always? He should always have a coat for you? And pick out diamonds? I am beginning to think that Jennifer Love Hewitt and I do not share exactly the same priorities vis-a-vis romantic situations and also who is in charge of choosing and transporting our clothing.

He’s also supposed to throw that jacket in the mud so you can walk over it (im assuming) on your way to the malt shop or picture show.

Justin Biebers hair: the root of all evil?

The Bieber hair bowl is a shameful but necessary cut for many young males. i myself desperately want one – and my hair is ALMOST at the appropriate length to make it possible! These are urges i fight every day.

“they want his mane but they wont say his name… im talking of course about Justin Bieber the 16 going on delicious pop star”… and people doubt that this is the best show on cable news?

Call it the Flip and Switch, the Flow, or the Twitch: the Bieber hairstyle — with sideswept bangs that end about an inch past where the Beatles snipped theirs off — is everywhere. Tim Urban wore it on “American Idol” before he was voted off in late April, and Miles Heizer wears it on the NBC show “Parenthood” to play a brooding teenager. The idea is that the front-combed bangs are so long that they must be flicked aside constantly with a whole lot of attitude.

The majority of boys in the sixth-grade class of Ms. Friedman’s son have the Bieber. “You can’t see any eyes,” she said, describing the scene at a school dance she chaperoned recently. “There are no eyes, and there’s a lot of flipping.”

Just last week, a boy who came to Cozy’s Cuts surreptitiously showed his stylist a picture of Justin Bieber on his camera and asked her to replicate the look. “He said, ‘That’s what I want — don’t tell my mom,’ ” said Ms. Friedman, whose three salons charge $29.95 for the cut.

-from the article Bangs Like Justin’s (but Don’t Say So), in the New York Times.. whose motto is “all the news that’s fit to print”…

Justin Bieber in Teen Vogue

This might be in the running for best photoshoot ever… can you even imagine it being described? “We’re gonna take you down to Venice beach.. with your skateboard.. aaand… a powder blue tuxedo shirt and white bow tie with plaid pants and a yellow fedora………. and by God… it’ll be magnificent”.

How this little twerp gets away with these random acts of awesome and maintains an air of cool – when i would be drafted as mayor of Fag City if I even described this as a joke – let alone did it for real – makes the Biebs my passionately hated idol…


this photo is everything i wish i ever was.. and more

there are just no words…

in my dreams, he’s throwing it to me. and when i reach inside.. its his heart.. not a metaphor or a cartoon heart or anything.. but a bloody, still pumping organ.. and then i eat it. and cry. and sit back and digest.. digest Justin Biebers freshly cut heart…
hats off to you Biebs… always.
<3 oneLuv