Comedians an offensive speech

The first half of this is about TSA groping and then gets into Marc Maron and Dan Savage on Bill Maher saying how much they hate Republicans, which sparks a more interesting discussion between halftime report personality Andy Levy and Ann Coulter on who is allowed to say what. Levy says that comedians should be able to say whatever they want or at least close to whatever they want without being run out of town because – they’re comedians. Coulter disagree’s and she’s right. Not that comedians shouldn’t be allowed to say whatever they want – but that everyone else SHOULD. The barometer should be “is it funny?”. If you make jokes that are not funny and are just offensive then you deserve backlash. If you make an offensive joke that IS funny or at least has a funny premise to it, whether it’s executed perfectly or not, then you’re off the hook. Coulter uses a bit Alec Baldwin did once that had some conservatives foolishly bashing him over while Coulter gives him a pass because duh – it was comedy, even if you don’t think it’s funny. The disagreement with Levy was that Coulter doesn’t limit her “it was a joke” rules to only comedians but rather anyone except elected politicians. Seems right to me.

Skip to the middle for the start of the comedian vs everyone-else debate.

Also, Iron Man (whats his name again? Sammy Davis Jr, I think?) looks like a more polished Marc Maron.

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