Mass Backwards: M-cheusettes elects Republican

Tonights special election can be summed up in the following picture:

But if you want to hear the winners version, then here that is too:

“I go to Washington as the representative of no faction or interest, answering only to my conscience and to the people. I’ve got a lot to learn in the Senate, but I know who I am and I know who I serve.

“I’m Scott Brown,

“I’m from Wrentham,

“I drive a truck, and I am nobody’s senator but yours.”

The victory speech took place during MSNBC’s Countdown, where host Keith Olberman had just smeared Scott Brown as a bigot (based on nothing, of course) and all around baddie. Tears.

The clip is worth watching and skipping to the end (around the 8 minute mark) where the Senator elect pimps out his daughters on national tv. Yes, I’m serious, and yes it’s awesome. not only cuz it’s the ultimate “daaaad, ur embarrassing meeee” moment, but because they’re both doable. Announcing their availability was a pretty humorous move.

How the hell could a Republican win the seat held by Ted Kennedy, one of the most liberal Democrats ever over the span of 30 years? Well… See its not that the democrats are playing checkers and the republicans are playing chess. Its that the Republicans are playing chess and the democrats are in the nurses office because, once again, they’ve glued their balls to their thighs’

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Mass Backwards
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