Myspace reminds us that it still exists

This is how Myspace is trying to make a comeback and let people know they are still hip and relevant. Will it work? Doubtful. despite it being a valid attempt.

It has all the key features: integrating a popular news story, being self referential, humorous and contains rage-bait – should be perfect to embed in your brain that Myspace is still the cool place for cool people, right?

It’s titled “Steven Slater, JetBlue flight attendant, goes nuts at MySpace”:

I still have no idea why Myspace never tackled video. When they introduced their Myspace TV site, I thought it was for sure at least supposed to be a Youtube killer. Turns out it was supposed to be a video feature and nothing more. wtf Myspace? You’re owned by Newscorp which owns lots of television networks. Why is there no cable Myspace channel? Reward original content from Myspacers, broadcast popular web series internationally, include an original show here or there and utilize all those garage bands who made profiles to promote their music by airing competitions, reality shows and playing their music videos. Its gold. but Myspace isnt interested for some reason… the fools. they’re letting themselves die.

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