Planking vs Owling

Since this “craze” has lasted more than a week, I feel obligated to mention its existence for the history records: Planking is a thing where people lay down and take a picture of it and for some reason that is supposed to be a hilarious inside joke. Even though, i’m sure it can be, sarcasm aside. It’s easy to be snide about humor you’re not part of or don’t get, but whatever makes the kids happy, I say go for it. It’s still weird though. But if you see some of the more unusual ones, you can kindov imagine how this could be a silly thing thats fun enough to be a legit thing that people do. I this video and try to keep a cynical eye on this fad:

It’s all about the unusual (i think) so I can dig that. Unless only the unusual ones are getting the media attention. then thats lame. but if im understanding it correctly – a plank on a bed or couch would only be posted ironically.

But if you think laying flat on things can’t be dangerous, guess again. This dude died trying to plank on a 7th story balcony.

Then of course, there’s this:

Now, there is Owling: which is crouching, I guess resembling a bird, and we’re supposed to think of an owl when we see it cuz “generic birding” is a dumb meme to follow while “Owling” sounds badass.

So which is better? Owling or planking?

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