Pregnant Teenagers

16 and Pregnant on MTV remains awesomely hilarious, but I’m not cold to the tragic aspects of teen pregnancy. People say it’s not like they were TRYING to get pregnant but really they’re all “trying” through carelessness. several times i have used an actual hammer to beat out sore back muscles, hit too hard and bruised myself. do i deserve sympathy because i wasnt TRYING to get hurt? all i wanted was to feel good. what, is there another, safer way to do it or something?

I dont know why sex is so poorly taught to young people. teens will always err on the side of danger if it most benefits them and we know this. thats why they bring in mangled cars and pictures of splattered brains caused by drunk drivers into high schools – to illustrate the whole “hey, i know you were told not to do this, but.. now im gonna make it real since youre young/stupid and punchdrunk with chemical changes”. why do we go through such lengths to get teens to not drink and do drugs but the approach on sex is “hey now, its not good y’knowz. but if you’re gonna do it, here’s how i can make it really easy for you”? a good “this is what happens and this is what life is like” edu-talk in every school would do wonders and isnt even controversial. wtf america.

the end result of “if theyre gonna do it, we want them to do it safely” is best approached by not phrasing it that way. we dont talk like that with any other behavior we want to detour outside of drugs[/alch] & sex. we dont say “dont cut your arms when you fight with your parents, BUT IF YOU DO… slice horizontal, not vertical”. teens arent ignorant about how sex works. aside from the health and biology aspects, they all know what goes where just like they understand that cars go fast when you press on the gas and people who are drunk have impaired reaction skills. instead of trying to teach young adults out of bad decisions by oddly and falsely assuming that the more they know about the mechanics of the “car” (in this case, their body) the less likely they’ll do things they’re told not to, we should be teaching them into the reality of those decisions, like the likelihood and the actual details of the risk if you lose the gamble, since ignorance on THOSE – not ovulation and seaman production – are the real problem.

I wish my girlfriend could comment on this but she’s grounded from the internet for another week. ill ask her later though when i pick her up from cheer practice.

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