Sarah Silverman: Live from N*****head

Maddow started this show strong with the great line that Ron Pauls candidacy isn’t really about winning but more so about whether the Wizard of Oz really was an allegory for the Gold Standard. lulz. She then went into the old “Republicans are scary cuz they’re in love with fetuses” trope and I got bored but luckily Sarah Silvermann came on shortly afterward to slam Rick Perry “Live from N*****head”.

Everything about the story of Perry leasing land with a racial slur painted on a rock is bullshit and smear-tastic and i’m disappointed that Maddow is still covering this 2 weeks after everyone else, including Perrys critics admitted there was no meat to the story. Maddow notes how quickly the story went away but blames that on it being “hard to talk about”. huh? It’s not hard to talk about at all. Especially if you think Perry is a tartar douchebucket – it makes talking about it fun and worth your while. The segment was reaching critical mass of smearage when Maddow kept twisting the knife in my heart, making it harder and harder to continue loving her by moving on to the next bullshit smear against Perry which was that he “insinuated” Obama’s birth certificate wasn’t real and then translating for us that Perry meant to say “don’t worry America. we haven’t really had our first black president yet, because Barack Obama secretly isn’t really the President”. What the fuck? Perry was asked if Obamas birth certificate was real and Perry said it was a stupid issue for anyone to focus on, but in that answer he first rhetorically reacted “I have no idea” so that is what Maddow and the other smearers are referring to as the alleged insinuation. That is rocky enough but then to go on and say Perry was telling people not to worry about there being a black man in the White House because his presidency is illegitimate? Jesus Christ, Maddow.

Thank God Sarah Silverman was introduced immediately following that insanity so this show didn’t become a total loss for Maddow. Silvermans seriousness of this non-issue is stupid, but her gee-wiz delivery as a concerned citizen and comic is a thousand times easier to accept than Maddow (supposed to be an astute commentator and journalist) treating the issue similarly. Silverman ponders as to why this issue hasn’t affected Governor Perry negatively, asking “that’s bizarre, right?” but unfortunately doesn’t develop the thought. I was wondering how exactly renting a piece of property that someone else had named with a racial slur and then painting over a rock that had the offensive word on it is supposed to affect him negatively. “What?? That guy erased a declaration of racism?? Get him!” – huh?

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