Steve Carell scares Ellen and talks tubs

I wanted to share this funny moment on Ellen, but first I have to get rid of this side-story that is bugging me. I saw this video on Ellens Twitter which says:

“Today”? on a tweet from Friday the 21st… But the episode aired in December 2008. Wtf Ellen? Way to lie to your followers. gross.

Whatever. the clip is still fun and funny whenever the hell it happened.

The rest of it is an okay watch too I guess. He talks about “tubs” which is the Carell households version of saying “bath” and Ellen and her audience couldn’t help but see the penis symbolism when Steve noted that him and his son play sharks and that the son has a little shark and Steve has a big shark.


Knowing this is really from December 08 also made me suspect about Ellen bringing up Steve’s marriage since it was a scant month after California voters approved Prop 8 which defended the definition of marriage from being changed away from the 1-man 1-woman dealie. Ellen and her partner-wifethingy both made emotion based pleas on tv to vote against the proposition so the government would legally refer to their relationship as a marriage and were bummed when the majority in the state voted to keep the word meaning what its traditionally meant. So you gotta wonder about the alternate motive goin on there when she’s all “how long have you been married?” like she’s probably adding in her head “ya, it must be nice there ya smarmy happy go lucky little piece of sh#t. feel good? does it? ya? bein all ‘married’ n shit? ya, i bet thats great. mhm. you know what? f#ck you, you child bathing son of a bitch. get off my show.”

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