O-Raptor-tang escapes from Jurassic Zoo

RAPTOR. From Jurassic Park:

Do they show intelligence? With the brain cavity like theirs we assumed – –

They show extreme intelligence, even problem solving. Especially the big one. We bred eight originally, but when she came in, she took over the pride and killed all but two of the others. That one – -when she looks at you, you can see she’s thinking (or) working things out. She’s the reason we have to feed ’em like this. She had them all attacking the fences when the feeders came.

The fences are electrified, right?

That’s right. But they never attack the same place twice. They were testing the fences for weaknesses. Systematically. They remembered.

APE. From Real Life:

AN ingenious 62 kilogram orangutan short circuited electrical wires and climbed a fence using a makeshift ladder in an aborted escape attempt from Adelaide Zoo today.

The elaborate plot by 27-year-old Karta got her to within metres of the public, and resulted in the closure of the zoo on one of its busiest days of the year.

The alarm was raised by a member of the public about 11am.

Zoo curator Peter Whitehead said Karta had twisted a stick into hot wires that encircled her enclosure, short circuiting the wires and allowing her to enter a vegetated area near the concrete and glass fence that separated her from the public.

She then piled up sticks, grass and plant roots and used them to climb onto the fence.