The hot air balloon boy story that wasn’t

I didn’t have any tv or radio’s on today as I was entrenched in computer work, but I saw on many websites that an omg-saga of world importance was apparently unfolding. Cable news all had live shots, seen below of a runaway and out of control UFO tinfoil laced weather balloon that everyone thought contained a 6 year old boy named… wait for it… Falcon. yes. that’s right… Except, no. that’s not right. because it didn’t. The boy was later found hiding in a kinda-sorta attic in the homes garage because he didn’t want his dad to yell at him…

Indeed, the whole thing deserves a closer look

The 7 minute clip below is not required viewing, but the first 2 minutes have a little guilty lols in them by way of dramatic irony…

The Landing:

The…”Show”?… huh?…

The Theme Song: