Newt Gingrich brings down the Elephant-hizouse on Welfare remarks

“Only the elites despise earning money.”

I almost scurried away by just linking to this video in other places but that wouldn’t be fair. Since I’ve given Newt a lot of grief on this site, I should spotlight when he hits one out of the park. Here is former Speaker Gingrich’s response to Fox News analyst Juan Williams (the first time any of these debates has let a Democrat question the Republicans in a debate) on Obama as the “food-stamp president”:

This is a good exchange and illustrates what I’ve always said about Gingrich: he’s very smart, very sharp, has interesting ideas and can articulate them pretty well…and must never be a nominee for president. Well, shouldn’t this time, anyway. Not when there are better alternatives to deliver the same message. And not because he’s not those things I just mentioned, but because he needs to be in a position where he can be marketing and proclaiming ideas like this – not managing the country. The dude just doesnt have the diplomacy for the job that is required.

Gringrich is in this Primary solely for himself at this point

I warned you people…

Gingrich’s party of one:

Yet Gingrich also pioneered the politics of personal destruction, as well as the politics of personal pique. Once again, he feels that his proper seat on Air Force One has been denied. So he attacks Romney from the right on abortion and from the left on Bain Capital. The only unifying principle — the only cause that is clearly served — is the emotional impulses of the man himself. He fights not for any brand of conservatism but for Newtism, which is more important to him than any party or ideology.

Gingrich recalls another impressive, flawed political figure. I have in mind a Southerner, attracted to big ideas, fascinated by management theories and scientific paradigms, prone to grandiosity and moralism, capable of both insight and bullying, leading through the cultivation of constant alarm. Al Gore was also transformed by defeat, which coincided with an “assault on reason,” a failure of “rational analysis” and the “shocking decay and degradation of our democracy.” The political failure of a figure so large required cosmic explanation. Gore’s opponents became “digital brown shirts” and “un-American” and a “renegade band of right-wing extremists” who had “betrayed the country.” Grievance merged with self-importance. It is easy to imagine Gore delivering Gingrich’s words: “If you want to smear people who are trying to think, fine.”

Newt Gingrich is becoming the Al Gore of the Republican Party — but with one large difference. By accepting the role of vindictive prophet, Gore appeals to a subset of the progressive coalition — the sort of people who find Keith Olbermann fair and balanced. (Gore, in fact, employs him.) Whatever Gore’s flaws, he is the leader of a cause.

It is currently difficult to discern any cause in the Gingrich campaign apart from Gingrich himself. He is the party of one — one world-historic leader, supported primarily by one billionaire. This is not a movement; it is the prosecution of a feud. Like Samson, Gingrich is willing to pull down the temple around him. But, in this case, it is not the Philistines who suffer. It is Republicans in the rubble.

Stupid: Republicans Forget how Capitalism Works / WTF it even IS

“Capitalism Comes Under Fire in Republican Primary Campaign”, says the National Journal – and sadly – they’re right.

The Democrats started it, and now Republican rivals are piling on. Mitt Romney is suddenly playing defense about his career as a venture capitalist–and in a Republican primary campaign, of all things.

The attacks on Romney’s Bain Capital career from fellow Republicans may be coming too late in the game to knock him off his path toward the nomination. They may also be ineffective in a party that lionizes capitalism and the business sector that propels it.

Republican candidates for the presidential nomination are doing themselves, their party and their country a disservice in their attempts to derail future President Mitt Romneys path to the nomination. Jon HuntsmanRick Perry and especially Newt Gingrich (who has flip flopped on his pledge to not run negative ads) and his PACs have all hammered Romney on his very reputable work at Bain Capital, a large investment firm.

The issue of criticism is that Romney was a destroyer of lives because his company, Bain, fired people when it  invested in them. Well no shit it did. A legitimate criticism would be if Bane gutted and crushed companies, stomping on the little guy while padding their fat wallets and using the money to snort coke off of strippers ass cracks. That is exactly the claim (minus the last part), of course, being made by 1 expected culprit ( and one not so expected culprit: Newt Gingrich.

The Wall Street Journal delves into the numbers of the Bain record and things come out pretty exact to how Romney has described when asked about it:

Mr. Romney has told potential voters how at Bain he helped launch or rebuild companies such as Staples Inc., Domino’s Pizza Inc. and Sports Authority Inc., creating more than 100,000 jobs.

His rivals have sought to turn his Bain tenure against him. Rick Perry has run an ad saying Mr. Romney “made millions buying companies and laying off workers.” Newt Gingrich has said Mr. Romney should “give back all the money he’s earned from bankrupting companies and laying off employees over his years at Bain.”

Mr. Gingrich laced into Mr. Romney at this weekend’s debates, and a group associated with the former House Speaker plans to release a 28-minute documentary blistering Mr. Romney’s Bain tenure. Meanwhile, on ABC on Sunday, Obama strategist David Axelrod criticized Mr. Romney as “a corporate raider.”

Mr. Romney describes job losses and bankruptcies as an inevitable byproduct of the capitalist system, and has said that in some cases, eliminating some jobs may save the rest of the company. In response to Mr. Gingrich, Mr. Romney said: “Doesn’t he understand how the economy works? In the real economy, some businesses succeed and some fail.”

Asked in an interview about Bain’s bankruptcy and failure rate, Mr. Romney said that in buyout deals, “our orientation was by and large to acquire businesses that were out of favor and in some cases in trouble.” He added that Bain wasn’t the type of firm that stripped companies and fired workers, but instead, “our approach was to try to build a business. We were not always successful.”

I give MoveOn a pass cuz that’s their job: to smear Republicans as evil money hungry heartless crooks. But WTF is Gingrich’s excuse for this bullshit?

This is a stupid and losing issue for all who attempt it because what you’re essentially doing is attacking Mitt Romney for having the audacity to believe in and take a chance on investing his money into struggling companies and doing a kickass job at it (Bain has a 3 to 1 record of succeeding in rescuing said struggling companies).

James Pethokoukis reminds the GOP field how capitalism works:

Of course, Romney and Bain weren’t in the game to create jobs. They were in it to make money for their investors and themselves. Then again, the same would go for Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Michael Dell, Warren Buffett, and just about every other successful entrepreneur and investor you could name. But that is the miracle of free-market capitalism. The pursuit of profits by creating value benefits the rest of society through higher incomes, more jobs, and better products and services. This isn’t “destructive creation”—like, say, crippling U.S. fossil fuel production before “clean energy” sources are viable—but “creative destruction” where innovation and efficiency sweep away the old and replace it with a more productive and wealthier society.

This is one my favorite examples is one that Pethokoukis also shares as one of his:

Through this constant roiling of the status quo, creative destruction provides a powerful force for making societies wealthier. It does so by making scarce resources more productive. The telephone industry employed 421,000 switchboard operators in 1970, when Americans made 9.8 billion long-distance calls. With advances in switching technology over the next three decades, the telecommunications sector could reduce the number of operators to 156,000 but still ring up 106 billion calls. An average operator handled only 64 calls a day in 1970. By 2000, that figure had increased to 1,861, a staggering gain in productivity. If they had to handle today’s volume of calls with 1970s technology, the telephone companies would need more than 4.5 million operators, or 3 percent of the labor force. Without the productivity gains, a long-distance call would cost six times as much.

Pethokoukis notes: “Romney’s career as a free-market capitalist? No apologies necessary.” – which is fun because “No Apologies” is also the name of Romneys book.

REMINDER: Crony Capitalism = Bad. Traditional American Capitalism = The best system on the planet.

Like I said – Shame on Huntsman and Perry for jumping on this issue too, but Gingrich is the most damaged in putting all his chips on this “stupid” attack line:

And finally, there is Sheldon Adelson, longtime friend of Gingrich an major donor to Republican causes. Did he intend his $5 million for the super PAC to be used to attack capitalism? Somehow I get the sense this was not what he had in mind.

The entire effort has the potential to put the final nail in Gingrich’s presidential campaign coffin and cement his reputation as the most reckless man in politics As Tim Pawlenty, a Romney supporter, said today on the topic of Bain, “It’s an old issue, and first of all, it’s the Democrats’ issue, it’s the issue that Barack Obama comes out after Mitt on. The Democrats have brought this out for years. For Newt or other Republicans to be attacking private enterprise in this way, I think, is really just embracing the Democrats’ message. It’s, unfortunately, not what Republicans should be doing.” But Gingrich is above his party. Remember, he’s Churchillian! (You may recall when there was push back on his first anti-Bain attack, Gingrich retreated, saying he should not have phrased his criticisms in that way.)

This is the Gingrich effect writ large: Creating havoc, blemishing careers and giving the Democrats plenty of laughs. Gingrich is likely to do poorly tomorrow as will Perry (making two rotten outings in a row for both of them). There is no appetite in the GOP for these candidates or their brand of anti-capitalistic pandering. The historian from Freddie Mac and the crony capitalist from Austin do not, we clearly see, embrace the Tea Party ethos. The referendum on this entire gambit should be swift. Whether it ultimately helps Romney or not, Gingrich is a reminder of the very worst in American politics.

Fun bonus? The New York Times reports that Newt Gingrich both invested in and worked on an advisory board for Forstmann Little — a competitor of Bain in the leveraged-buyout industry. So in other words: It’s okay for Newt but not for Romney. Nice. Fortune Mag reports the same:

Upon leaving Congress in 1999, the former Speaker joined private equity firm Forstmann Little & Co. as a member of its advisory board.

It is unclear how long Gingrich served on the advisory board, or how much he was paid. The campaign has not yet responded to a request for comment.

Forstmann Little was one of the world’s original leveraged buyout firms, although its founder — the late Teddy Forsmann — often railed against what he saw as over-leveraging by rival firms (presumably including Bain). It effectively began winding down operations in 2005, following a legal dispute with the State of Connecticut over failed investments in a pair of large communications companies. Forstmann Little lost the case at trial, but wasn’t required to pay any significant restitution (both deals were done within two years of Gingrich being named to the advisory board).

During Saturday night’s GOP primary debate in New Hampshire, Gingrich said: ”I’m not nearly as enamored of a Wall Street model where you can flip companies, you can go in and have leveraged buyouts, you can basically take out all the money, leaving behind the workers.”

In NY Mag, Jonathan Chait says that it is a “myth” that Romney is a job creator, which is a poorly stated version of the reality. The truth is that Romney was responsible for creating thousands of jobs – a lot more than had to be done away with to save a company, for sure – however, guaranteeing any number of added jobs was not the business he was in because that is not what capitalism is or does.

On the other hand, bringing ourselves face-to-face with the very real victims of Romney’s business career explodes his fairy tale of having been a “job creator.” He was in the business of creating wealth, not jobs. Capitalism increases a society’s standard of living, but it does not increase its rate of employment. If your goal is simply to give every willing worker a job, then socialism is the system you want.

Since we want to increase our standard of living, we want capitalism. That wealth benefits the whole society over the long run, but in the short run it can destroy lives and communities — which, of course, is one justification for the role of government in siphoning off a portion of the limitless wealth generated by the Mitt Romneys of the world in order to alleviate social dislocation. But the thrust of Romney’s platform is that people like himself give too much already, and those left behind get too much. His self-presentation as a “job creator” is an attempt to paint over that ugly reality. Republicans must be furious that Gingrich, of all people, is helping expose it.

And finally: Jim Geraghty on how the virtues of firing people when the circumstances require it:

So, here we are, at the day first primary, and the main objection to Mitt Romney from Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry is that he fired a bunch of people? More than his liberal-softie sounding rhetoric in 1994 and 2002? More than his crusade to liberate us from the individual mandate of Obamacare in order to leave the states free to enact their own individual mandates? More than the fact that he’s won exactly one general election in his life, in a year that the left-of-center vote was divided?

Objections to private-sector layoffs from the party that wants to shrink government? How do we think all of those employees of the federal bureaucracy will get of the payroll? Mass alien abductions?

When you think about it, isn’t it possible that the layoffs enacted when Romney was at Bain constitute one of the boldest moves of his career? One of the times he’s been willing to do something unpopular because he thought it was right, and in the long-term interest of the institution he was managing, instead of following the polls and telling people what they wanted to hear?

Much of the focus came upon Romney’s comment that he likes being able to fire people who provide services to him, if he’s not happy with the quality of the service.

You know, the way you can’t with the Department of Motor Vehicles, or the way you can’t (or at least not without Herculean determination) with a crappy teacher at a public school. The way you can’t fire a tenured professor at a state university, whether or not he gives good value for his salary and benefits to those who pay his salary (the students and the taxpayers). The way we can’t take our business to some other government, without leaving the country.

Newt and Callista Gingrich are BadNewsBears

You Republicans who support Newt Gingrich over Mitt Romney are high on mushrooms made of meth that were dusted with cocaine and had weed sprouting out of them.

Not cuz Newt is crazy evil or anything like that, and not even because he looks so…. ug… like that. but because you’re tripping balls on this “not socially conservative enough” bullshit. If that’s your litmus test then Santorum’s your guy. Oh, you don’t want him? Then you have no one.

I understand you people giving him a shot and a fair look. but it’s too late for that now. It’s obvious you’re only going for him as a Mitt alternative and that’s stupid. He doesn’t differ with Mitt on anything that matters, has all of his weaknesses x2, none of his strengths except for debate performance and isn’t nearly as electible.

There’s no in between on Newt support: his supporters are either super politically educated policy wonks who are blinded by how fascinating his Presidency could be and ignoring how impossible his candidacy would be – and then there are the people at the other end of the spectrum who just think he’s a safer bet to not instate mandates, and protect fetal babies or something. Idk. But the point is: y’all are freakin nuts.

Ya’ll better get your shit together fo reel. This is what makes independents like me think you’re nutty and dangerous.


This combined with the fact that Newt is now on his third wife will give the media and the comedians more than enough fodder to turn Newt into a complete joke. The fact that his third wife has a bad case of “crazy eyes,” talks like a Stepford wife, and controls him to the point where he had a huge line of credit to Tiffany’s (a story which also has a damaging lobbying element to it) already has the same lefty comedians who destroyed Palin practicing for Newt. (Note the reference in that comedy bit to his fake Twitter follower “scandal,” which will also help cement the “this guy is a joke” narrative.)

Callista may be a great person for all I know, and if Newt was a Democrat none of these things would fair game for the media, but, sadly, this is not the case and the reality is that she would be a significant liability.

At Citizens United productions (run by Gingrich sycophant Dave Bossie, who was fired by Republicans on the Whitewater investigation for manipulating tapes to make the Clintons look bad) it was well known when I worked for them that Callista Gingrich was a complete nut who controlled Newt to the point where she forced him to put her in his movies despite the fact that she was horrible on camera. (Interestingly, Newt’s tendency to switch positions based on who is paying him is illustrated through his evolving stance on the issues related to the much misunderstood and largely bogus Citizens United Supreme Court case.)

Then, of course, there is the issue of his first two wives. Yes, the story of him serving his second wife divorce papers on her death bed is a myth but as we have learned from the assassination of Palin, media created myths still have lots of power to destroy a candidacy.

But the media won’t even need to dredge up that old storyline because, unfortunately for Newt, his second wife is still very much alive and has been VERY outspoken about exactly why there is “no way” Newt will ever be president.

When you have ex-wives, they better at least still endorse you, especially when you are a Republican running against a media darling like Obama. Should Newt be nominated, the media will make sure that every American will know what his second wife thinks of him.

Which leads to one of the biggest problems Newt would have in a general election: the gender gap would be massive.

Newt would have more than three strikes against him with women. First, a majority of women already vote for Democrats on a good day and they still tend to like Obama personally. Second, at least one of his multiple ex-wives doesn’t think he should be president. Third, his appearance and demeanor obviously don’t exactly appeal to the majority of women.

These are legit points that only the willfully blind and brainwashed-against-Mitt can ignore. Newt is not going to win and the longer you drag out this nonsense in the primary, the longer you are hurting yourselves, Republicans.

Stop being so immature, ignorant, and foolish. Newt has redeemable qualities as a human being but not as a presidential nominee.

Lithgow Reads Gingrich

Colbert Invites John Lithgow To Perform Dramatic Reading Of Surreal Gingrich Press Release:

and yes, that’s the actual text. The full press release reads:

The literati sent out their minions to do their bidding. Washington cannot tolerate threats from outsiders who might disrupt their comfortable world. The firefight started when the cowardly sensed weakness. They fired timidly at first, then the sheep not wanting to be dropped from the establishment’s cocktail party invite list unloaded their entire clip, firing without taking aim their distortions and falsehoods. Now they are left exposed by their bylines and handles. But surely they had killed him off. This is the way it always worked. A lesser person could not have survived the first few minutes of the onslaught. But out of the billowing smoke and dust of tweets and trivia emerged Gingrich, once again ready to lead those who won’t be intimated by the political elite and are ready to take on the challenges America faces.