Bieber, Obama and Losers

I don’t even understand what this image is supposed to mean, but its funny and i like it. Who IS the loser now, motherfkkers????

…okay but seriously tho… who *is* the loser now? Biebz was a loser because he was wearing a sweatshirt while the President watched and then 2 years later he got a nice suit, kept his shooshy lesbian bowl cut like a boss and brought the Prez up on stage for a handshake? I literally don’t understand what the point is here but I find it empowering and majestic.

Who’s the loser NOW you dirty dummies?? I may not know myself but I know that you suck and Biebz4Life and derpa dew!

*drops mic*

Obama wants to spend more money we don’t have

America spends more money than it takes in. Leftists propose that we fix this by just taking more money from people who have the most, ignoring the fact that if we confiscated 100% of every billionaires income, it would only last us a short time. In fact if we confiscated all the wealth of ALL the rich people in the country (not just their income but everything), we still wouldn’t be able to last for more than a year. See the video below for the breakdown of the math or skip ahead for more explanation.

As the video explains: Wars are not the problem. Don’t believe the Ron Paul and hippie hype on that. The Iraq war counts for less than 8% of the federal debt. The problem is entitlement spending.

President Obama uses our tax money the way I use my parents credit card in the Justin Bieber aisle of Toys R Us: spending someone elses money on shit you don’t need to extents that those other people can’t afford…

Here is an easy way to understand what is going on with the nations debt problem:

When it’s put that frankly, it’s kinda hard to see how anyone thinks this is okay, let alone the people leading the nation and making these decisions…

Mitt Romney gets it:

Our country cannot continue on the same borrowing and spending approach to government. I believe that we have a moral responsibility to be fiscally responsible so that we do not leave future generations with massive debt.

Barack Obama unfortunately does not: Obama administration to seek $1.2 trillion debt ceiling increase.

Oh, good idea – spend even MORE to get out of debt. Ludicrous…

It’s not that Obama is a “socialist” in the popular mindset sense of the word, and that is why it is wrong for you Tea Party people to go throwing around the term. He’s not a socialist in the way Americans think of socialism (where Government owns all commerce), he’s just a “real life” socialist in that his policies don’t differ from existing socialist parties found elsewhere in the world.

Obama Reverses on Costly Enviro-Regulation

President Obama has changed his policy on a piece of legislation that held back business in favor of protecting Mother Earth. When President Bush did things like this it was cuz he wanted babies and old people to choke on oil exhaust so he would have something to masturbate to. What’s the spin when Obama does it?

In a dramatic reversal, President Barack Obama on Friday scrubbed a clean-air regulation that aimed to reduce health-threatening smog, yielding to bitterly protesting businesses and congressional Republicans who complained the rule would kill jobs in America’s ailing economy.

Withdrawal of the proposed regulation marked the latest in a string of retreats by the president in the face of GOP opposition, and it drew quick criticism from liberals. Environmentalists, a key Obama constituency, accused him of caving to corporate polluters, and the American Lung Association threatened to restart the legal action it had begun against rules proposed by President George W. Bush.

The White House has been under heavy pressure from GOP lawmakers and major industries, which have slammed the stricter standard as an unnecessary jobs killer. The Environmental Protection Agency, whose scientific advisers favored the tighter limits, had predicted the proposed change would cost up to $90 billion a year, making it one of the most expensive environmental regulations ever imposed in the U.S.

Wtf is going on here? Certainly there is a conspiracy, since we all know that government forcing businesses to do things that hippies want done is the only way they will ever stop polluting the planet into an irreversible death spiral. So what say you, then, hippies? Does Obama want everyone to choke on corporate America’s gaspipe schlong just like those evil Republicans? Or were you lying about the evilness of those Republicans and now that a Leftist administration is making the concession that goes against that talking point, you’re ready to admit that you were just using that ad hominem smear to demonize people who stand in your way of your unrealistic utopian ideals?

If an actual hotel lobby of hippie-convention attending survey takers were to be polled, I would bet on the choice being to throw Obama under the bus because the lie about evil corporate greed being at the heart of mamma-earth protecting cultist ideals is too much a staple in hippie doctrine to give up. The quote above, displays as much already. The only viable option someone who has bought that line of thinking has is to claim that Obama has been co-opted by the evil corporate machine or something and is now going to coldly kill us all.

Moron says McCain ad is racist for having white girls in it, and purposely injected “phallic symbols” (also known as “buildings of the places Obama was speaking at” – and the guy doesn’t even get THOSE right)

Little commentary needed for this one, except that if you do as he says and “look at it again”, you’ll see he gets BOTH monuments wrong in the ad. It’s not the Washington monument or the leaning tower of Pisa. What a maroon…

I’ve played the “get the fuck out of my yard card” before. Also, the race Genie delivers a joke about “Jew-noses” that the Daily Show audience didn’t catch too.

Hater Preacher at Obama’s Church, take two

Well we know one thing at least: the Trinity United is a chuch-o-jerks. In every one of these videos showing haters at the pulpit, they are met with laughter and applause and approving gestures and noises. Sad. I didn’t realize Catholics taught that it was cool to publicly ridicule and humiliate your opponents in a political contest.

Definitely the best part is when Mika puts a politically correct disclaimer out there saying she doesn’t want to judge Michael Pfleger or Trinity church cuz she’s white and Tucker doesnt miss a beat without saying “I do” and that it has nothing to do with “black or what” you dummy (my words), it has to do with hatred.