Google informs users of Facebooks info-trapping

Google and Facebook are working toward the same ends: they both want to be the place you start your online activity, stick around for awhile and discover other things through. Google started with search and then mail and messaging and is now adding social network features while Facebook started with social network features and is now adding email and messaging.

Both companies are notorious for allegedly being loose with users personal information, giving them an interesting Coke vs Pepsi style marketing war when trying to convince the consumer that they are the better choice.

Here is what you are shown when you try to import your Gmail contacts information into Facebook:

Airport Pat Downs

Everyone is freaking out about the TSA pat downs and body scanners, I think because it’s just a slow news period. I don’t get what the huge deal is. The horror stories are worth reporting but the issue at large kindo bores me. I also don’t get why so many conservatives are crazed over this. If its safety then its safety. I’d rather be alive than not patted down like a criminal.

I’m flying into Orlando for Thanksgiving and aside from accusations of TSA searching a woman “because of her breasts” they may be fixing their security hassles by dumping TSA all together and going private.

So far the best stories are the poor cancer survivor who had to remove her fake boob and the even worse bladder cancer survivor who was left soaked in his own urine after a clumsy are careless pat down.

Fark had this headline: TSA responds to the “don’t touch my junk” video by arresting anyone filming TSA screenings as the vids may be useful to terrorists and not because they may embarrass the TSA or anything.

Ann Coulter, in typical fashion suggests “how bout we just look for the terrorists” and asks what we’re going to do when one tries to sneak a bomb through their anal cavity… oy…

UPDATE: I was just shown this in response to this post. very clever protest… A shirt with the 4th Amendment printed in laced metal so it shows up on body scans… ha!