Wakin up Gay

A reason to watch your health: Stayin away from teh ghayyy. Consider this headline: “Butch rugby player has stroke. wakes up gay and becomes a hairdresser”. Funny. but.. evidently it happened.

Rugby loving Welshman Chris Birch was a 26 year old musclehead with a job at a bank, had proposed to his girlfriend and weighed…er…a lot (the UK article uses “stone” instead of pounds. too much effort for me to convert). When he suffored a botched “hey guys, check THIS out” moment doing a back flip, he broke his neck and had a stroke. He woke up alive…but with a love for cock. “I was gay [when I woke up] and I still am” he says. “I wasn’t interested in women any more. I was definitely gay. I had never been attracted to a man before – I’d never even had any gay friends. But I didn’t care about who I was before, I had to be true to my feelings.”

Mr Birch’s astonishing change saw him break up with his fiancée, ditch his job in a bank to retrain as a hairdresser and lose eight stone in weight.

He has now moved in with his  19-year-old boyfriend.

The now ex-rugby player, a flanker with his local amateur reserve side, had been attempting a back flip in front of friends on a field when he fell down a grass bank, breaking his neck and suffering the stroke.

He was taken to hospital where his fiancée and family spent days waiting anxiously at his bedside before he delivered the shocking news.

Mr Birch recalled: ‘I was gay when I woke up and I still am. It sounds strange but when I came round I immediately felt different.

‘I wasn’t interested in women any more. I was definitely gay. I had never been attracted to a man before – I’d never even had any gay friends.

‘But I didn’t care about who I was before, I had to be true to my feelings.’

Before the accident Mr Birch, of Ystrad Mynach, South Wales, had spent his weekends watching sport and drinking with his mates.

But he said: ‘Suddenly, I hated everything about my old life. I didn’t get on with my friends, I hated sport and found my job boring.

‘I started to take more pride in my appearance, bleached my hair and started working out. I went from a 19-stone skinhead to an 11-stone preened man.

‘People I used to know barely recognised me and with my new look I became even more confident.’

And here you thought only marijuana would make you gay…