Pictures: Ohio flood aftermath

The AP reports that Findlay Service Director Mike Sobczyk says the damage to city-owned buildings and property will cost between $20 million and $31 million.

The city’s health department and wastewater treatment plant sustained serious damage. A number of city-owned trucks and vehicles are damaged, too.

City officials also have decided to tear down a community center that sits near the Blanchard River.

The river rose about 8 feet above flood stage last week, soaking much of the downtown and surrounding neighborhoods.

Click here for lots of high res pictures of the disaster.

Miss Teen South Carolina talks about her gaffe

God bless Ann Curry and Matt Lauer. All other media take note: this interview is the standard on how to deal with issues of this nature. They acknowledged that its getting big buzz but didn’t let that obfuscate the reality of this not being THAT big a deal. They made her comfortable and were comforting themselves, adding the “we do dumb things on live tv all the time” lines where appropriate – and she even got a do-over on the question and knocked it out of the park.

UPDATE: is it wrong that I am against making fun of this poor girl and then I post this video?

Kimmel defends. See you guys. the answer totally made sense if you just walk through and think about it…

Miss Teen South Carolina talks about her gaffe

God bless Ann Curry and Matt Lauer. All other media take note: this interview is the standard on how to deal with issues of this nature. They acknowledged that its getting big buzz but didn’t let that obfuscate the reality of this not being THAT big a deal. They made her comfortable and were comforting themselves, adding the “we do dumb things on live tv all the time” lines where appropriate – and she even got a do-over on the question and knocked it out of the park.

UPDATE: is it wrong that I am against making fun of this poor girl and then I post this video? Kimmel defends. See you guys. the answer totally made sense if you just walk through and think about it

Finally: A horror movie where the “monster” is a vagina

Teeth is a horror film about a teenage girl who has teeth in her vagina. It premiered January 19, 2007 at the 2007 Sundance Film Festival in the independent drama category.

The weirdest part? There is a history of this… in folklore at least. Significant enough to have a name: Vagina dentata

Vagina dentata (Latin for toothed vagina) describes a folk tale in which a woman’s vagina is said to contain teeth, with the associated implication that sexual intercourse might result in injury or castration for the man.

The grain of truth in these stories is that dermoid cysts, which can occur anywhere in the body, often contain teeth. Although there are no documented examples, it is hypothetically possible for a tooth-containing dermoid cyst to develop in a woman’s vagina.

As an anti-rape propaganda tool (lol):

Such folk stories are frequently told as cautionary tales warning of the dangers of sex with strange women and to discourage rape.

Erich Neumann relays one such myth in which “a fish inhabits the vagina of the Terrible Mother; the hero is the man who overcomes the Terrible Mother, breaks the teeth out of her vagina, and so makes her into a woman.”

The legend also appears in the mythology of the Chaco and Guiana tribes of South America. In some versions, the hero leaves one tooth. An Ainu language tale containing this element was published as “The Island of Women” by Basil Hall Chamberlain, where it was described as a well known Japanese tale by E. B. Tylor.

Cleaner than that African insert that hooks into your rapists penis at least.

Think this can’t get any weirder? There was already a vagina-with-teeth horror movie in 2003 called “Penetration Angst”…

People’s Court Clash: “Call me Dr. Not ‘Honey'”

When I saw this on tv the first time I wasn’t sure which side I agreed with initially. Also, Kimmel doesn’t show that when the Dr exited the court room, he immediately lightened up in the post courtroom interview segment and said how it was all about having fun and he’s glad he came.