Obama talks to America’s chillens

President Obama made a speech in front of a class that was encouraged for teachers to show their own classes.

The White House turned a Northwest Washington junior high classroom into a television studio and its students into props.

The Department of Education should not be producing paid political advertising for the president, it should be helping us to produce smarter students.

The Washington Post wrote the first half and the Democrat, House Majority Leader said the second part after the dashes… in 1991. responding to President Bush giving a speech aimed at students. right before they had a hearing to investigate the matter.

Bush’s speech contained such controversial material as talking about importance of studying math and science and answered other questions, ranging from “How difficult is it to be our president?” to whether he would like his dog – Millie – to be the first dog in space.

As for Obama’s speech: Like Bush’s in 91, it had some nice common sense stuff in it that kids should hear. unlike Bush’s, it contained needlessly controversial self praising stuff about how hard OBAMA, not the country or bipartisan government, is working to save the world.

But wait… Obama actually did exactly what the Dems groundlessly freaked out over Bush doing? but that.. would make them… hypocrite political hacks….

While its true that liberal doctrine claims that persons A accomplishments must come at person B’s expense, I’ve always known that was bullshit bumper sticker pandering pap, so its not that that’s the cause for a “wtf man”. The reason praising yourself to young students is “needlessly controversial” as i stated, is not because it negates someone elses work as liberal theory would assume, but rather its just 1) bad taste and 2) bad politics.

Obama changed his speech from being the political commercial that republicans flipped their toupee’s over at first (The original Department of Education directive asked children to write letters with promises on “how they could help President Obama.” and changed it to how kids “could achieve their long-term and short-term goals”) yet still left in the self stroking stuff about how “he” alone is working for them. why hand your opposition a victory like that when the rest of your 2nd draft speech is so praise-worthy by honest members of said opposition? 10% of school funding comes from “Obama”. why not show some love to the mayors, governors and state politicians? when the guy who does 10% of the work takes all the credit, he’s usually called an a-hole. unless he’s the Obammessiah.

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