Dear Palin 2012 commentators: WTF is wrong with you?

I’m sick of hearing talk about Sarah Palin running for president in 2012 against Obama in any context, given that there is no evidence whatsoever that this will happen. Speculation by reporters, declarations of fact by supporters, analysts combing over her resignation as Governor of Alaska and every detail extending from it about what it means for her presidential candidacy – what the fkk are you guys talking about??

Palin has never expressed interest, ambition or a drive for the presidency, ever. John McCain plucked her out of obscurity to join his ticket in 2008 and she accepted and that’s it. She doesn’t have the experience, media presence, or ambition to run for president and she probably never will but she DEFINITELY will not in 2012. I am 100% sure of this and will take any bets against anyone who wants to bet me because this is as wishful-thinking-blindness on the part of her fans as I have ever seen.

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