Romney wins Iowa Caucus by 8 votes

I’ve been hatin on tricky Rick Santorum this election cycle but I gotta admit that he worked hard, gave a great speech with no notes, has a beautiful family and some okay ideas. its just that… the guy who beat him by just 8 votes also gave a great speech with no notes, has a beautiful family and a lot of GOOD ideas in addition to his okay ideas + doesnt freak me out and doesn’t hold any positions that would embarrass me out of publicly/vocally supporting him, so I’m gonna say good job and congratulations to Mr Santorum, but we’ve got a better choice (by a wide margin) in this race.

In other thoughts: Caucuses are weird and outdated and this emphasis on Iowa being the first in the country to vote for president is even weirder and more outdatederz. Shiz needs to change.

California doesnt vote in this process until June and the nominee is always chosen by then. Lame. Change it. Should be a lottery on which states go first. Iowa and New Hampshire aren’t representative of the rest of the country enough to have such an important role in this process.

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