SNL on Obama’s Accomplishments

Dude, whats with people lately? It’s like, they’re all actin like my boy Obama is doing something wrong by not accomplishing anything in his first 10 months as President. Whats with that? Leave Barack alone!

More importantly though is the question of why is the actor in this skit not even attempting to mimic his target? Would that be racist? It’s one thing to do it badly, but the dude isn’t even trying to sound like Obama. whats the deal with that?

Is the honeymoon really over? Pssh. I’d say “nigga pleez” but that’d be funny racist. So how dare you.

0 thoughts on “SNL on Obama’s Accomplishments”

  1. This is fairly classic liberalism.

    Liberals think mocking the president is fine, just so long as the president is a republican; when the president is a democrat it becomes wrong!

    But whats new! democrats now respect the military chain of command; the Afghan General should not disagree with Obama. But these same democrats would have considered any general who disagreed with Bush to be a patrit and a hero!

    It is amazing how the rules all get re-written when a democrat sits in the whitehouse?

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