Bill O’Reilly gets at least 10% more awesome with release of angry Inside Edition tape release

Ho man. I llllllllllllllllllove eeeiiiit. This might be my favorite O’Reilly video now. The only part that kinda spoils it for me is everyone lying about it because they don’t know Bill like I do. Everywhere I see this posted, its labeled as something like “O’Reilly goes berserk” or “O’Reilly loses it”. Goes berserk? eh. maybe. But “loses it”, absolutely not. One of my favorite features of angry irishman O’Reilly is that he’ll let genuine rage pour out and then turn off the hot like a faucet and go back to cold.

Check this video out dude – its skill. He’s completely pissed at whoever fucked up his teleprompter, frustrated at not being able to do the wrap up without it with only seconds before going live and then BAM – dude pulls it off perfectly, professionally and calmly. Then as soon as camera’s are off he can go back to the rage and tear off his jacket and microphone and probably crack some interns skull in the back room.

Colbert will probably have something (hopefully amusing) to say about it.

UPDATE: as expected, Colbert parodies and a remix is born.