Missing sailor found. inside shark stomach…

A fisherman in the Bahamas caught a shark and hoisted it up by its tail fin. While it was thrashing around it burped up a human leg… Location? off the coast of a place where the movie “Jaws: The Revenge” was filmed.

NBC News Miami writer Todd Wright falls victim to the old “misuse of the word irony” trap by calling this story “a case of cruel irony” (it isn’t), but it’s so omg-worthy that I’m willing to look past it.

Bahamian authorities have determined the body found in the belly of a tiger shark belonged to a man who disappeared near there.

Judson Newton disappeared off Jaws Beach on Aug. 29 and he, or his remains, did not surface until after a group of fishermen reeled in a bloated tiger shark with an apparent taste for human flesh.

The shark was caught on Sept. 4, but it’s still unclear if Judson was killed by the shark or drowned and eventually eaten by the ocean predator.

When a fisherman caught the shark off the coast of the Bahamas, it spit up a human leg trying to get away. Once the animal’s belly was opened, officials found another leg, arms and a torso of a large man. There was no head.

Pictures of the half digested body parts can be seen here

UPDATE: I shared this story with my aunt, saying “they found all the guys body parts in the stomach of the shark”. her reply was “…did you see his penis?”. wtf??

The Last Golden Girl

An emotional Betty White remembers her friends… In an exclusive Nightline interview, actress Betty White, 88, opens up about Rue McClanahan‘s recent passing and shares how it feels to be the last Golden Girl standing. “It’s so ironic, because I was the oldest of all four of them. Isn’t that silly?” she says tearfully. “I’m the survivor.”

Bless her heart for answering the retarded opening question “did you ever think you’d be the last Golden Girl” with a genuine answer instead of pointing out its stupidity by saying “yes bitch, I thought about it all the time. every day I walked on set I was like ‘ooo, ima outlive ALL you muh-fkkers, lol'”

It’s going to be a sad day in Richardland when she leaves us as well…

Anne Frank

More proof that I’m on a version of The Truman Show and that everything revolves around me came this afternoon when I saw FoxNews.com’s front page headlining the existence of a short clip of Anne Frank on Youtube, which is the only footage of her that exists. I’ve had an Anne Frank obsession the last week and a half that won’t end until I know every relevant detail there is to know (which is how these things go) and have been watching and reading as much I can.

Synopsis of the story: The Frank family knew shit was going down and started planning to go into hiding in the annex of Mr Franks business building (a company called Opekta which sold a kit to make home made jam). They had to bump up the move after eldest daughter, Margot Frank was sent a summons to report to a work camp. “Fuck that” was the obvious response, and the family moved into the annex attic that night, taking whatever they could carry without looking suspicious and wearing several layers of their clothes since they couldn’t be seen with suit cases.

They were joined shortly afterward in their hiding place by family friends Mr and Mrs Van Pels and their teenage son Peter. Later, their dentist and friend Fritz Pfeffer (see my companion piece to this post I wrote for BetweenShowers.com here) was added after in inquiring to Miep Giess, one of the office workers who brought the hidden families food and supplies, on a place to hide.

Anne’s father, Otto Frank was the only one to survive.

This is one of the few television interviews Otto Frank gave. Sitting in one of the rooms of the Secret Annex, he is talking about his surprise at the things Anne Frank wrote in her diary. Her thoughts on life, her self-criticism: this was not the daughter he had known

Things I learned that everyone should know:

-The “E” at the end of her name is not silent. Her name is pronounced Ann-eh. kinda like “Anna” but with an ehh instead of the “uh” sound an “A” makes.

-If only whoever betrayed the family (no one knows who made the anonymous call to the Gestapo that gave the tip) had waited a month, Anne and maybe more probably would have survived (Anne died one month before the camp was liberated).


-She suffered. Her last months were pain filled in every sense, starting with seeing her precious diary thrown away by the German police as they ransacked the attic and ending with her death among piles of sick, dying and bodies in the infirmary hut at the camp where she died 3 days after her sister.

-If Anne had not been infected with Scabies (a skin infection caused by mites burrowing into your flesh), her whole family most likely would have lived. 1) because her mother and sister were selected to leave the death-work camp they were in and go to an actual work camp where most of the slave laborers lived but Anne was denied due to her scabies infection and her sister and mother chose to stay with her. and 2) Anne’s expected cause of death, Typhus, was caused by the scabies.

-If Anne had known her father (whom she was closest to) were still alive, I bet she too would still be alive. When the family arrived at the camp, families were immediately forced apart into 4 groups: first the men and women were separated and then each split into either off-to-the-work-camp or straight-to-the-gas-chamber. One of Anne’s friends who ended up in a neighboring camp from her heard from Anne that she believed her father was put into the straight-to-the-gas-chamber group and died that night. She (accurately) believed her mother to be dead and her sister Margot died while Anne was taking care of her. Anne died 3 days later, evidence would suggest, because she just gave up. Her whole family was dead and there was no light at the end of the pitch black hell tunnel she was in, and she just let her illness claim her. If she had known her dad was alive, I believe she could have hung on those 4 more weeks to be liberated.

Haunting tales of the Twin Towers jumpers on 9/11

In the picture, he departs from this earth like an arrow. Although he has not chosen his fate, he appears to have, in his last instants of life, embraced it. If he were not falling, he might very well be flying. He appears relaxed, hurtling through the air. He appears comfortable in the grip of unimaginable motion. He does not appear intimidated by gravity’s divine suction or by what awaits him. His arms are by his side, only slightly outriggered. His left leg is bent at the knee, almost casually. His white shirt, or jacket, or frock, is billowing free of his black pants. His black high-tops are still on his feet. In all the other pictures, the people who did what he did — who jumped — appear to be struggling against horrific discrepancies of scale. They are made puny by the backdrop of the towers, which loom like colossi, and then by the event itself. Some of them are shirtless; their shoes fly off as they flail and fall; they look confused, as though trying to swim down the side of a mountain. The man in the picture, by contrast, is perfectly vertical, and so is in accord with the lines of the buildings behind him. He splits them, bisects them: Everything to the left of him in the picture is the North Tower; everything to the right, the South. Though oblivious to the geometric balance he has achieved, he is the essential element in the creation of a new flag, a banner composed entirely of steel bars shining in the sun. Some people who look at the picture see stoicism, willpower, a portrait of resignation; others see something else — something discordant and therefore terrible: freedom. There is something almost rebellious in the man’s posture, as though once faced with the inevitability of death, he decided to get on with it; as though he were a missile, a spear, bent on attaining his own end. He is, fifteen seconds past 9:41 a.m. EST, the moment the picture is taken, in the clutches of pure physics, accelerating at a rate of thirty-two feet per second squared. He will soon be traveling at upwards of 150 miles per hour, and he is upside down. In the picture, he is frozen; in his life outside the frame, he drops and keeps dropping until he disappears.

Read more: The Falling Man – Tom Junod – 9/11 Suicide Photograph via Esquire.com

Another story from the Daily Mail:

For those who have discovered that their loved ones may have been among the estimated 200 or more who plunged to their deaths, this uncomfortable official reticence can only compound the suffering they have already endured.

University administrator Jack Gentul cannot possibly imagine his late wife’s torment before she died. Alayne Gentul, mother of two and the 44-year-old vice president of an investment company, was in the South Tower and had gone up to the 97th floor to help evacuate staff after the other tower was hit. In her final moments, she rang Jack to say in labouring breaths that smoke was coming into her room through vents.

‘She said “I’m scared”,’ he tells me quietly. ‘She wasn’t a person who got scared, and I said, “Honey, it’ll be all right, it’ll be all right, you’ll get down”.’

Alayne Gentul’s remains were found in the street outside the building across from the tower — sufficiently far from the rubble to suggest she had jumped. Mr Gentul, who has since remarried, is not convinced she took that option but is clearly irked that some believe jumping was some sort of cop-out.

‘She was a very practical person who would have done whatever she could to survive,’ he explains in a quiet voice. ‘But how can anyone know what one would do in a situation like that, having to choose how you go from this Earth?’

The notion that she jumped is, indeed, consoling to Mr Gentul in some ways, in that she exercised an element of control over her death.

‘Jumping is something you can choose to do,’ he says. ‘To be out of the smoke and the heat, to be out in the air, it must have felt like flying.’

I’m sorry Teddy is dead and all. but. he DID kill that one chick

I wrote a post last night about Ted Kennedy before anyone knew he had died, saying that he seems nice enough and everything but he’s a useless hack of a politician who should have resigned awhile ago. Now, while I have the deepest sympathy for his family and am not glad he’s dead or anything – I can’t help but not be indifferent towards his passing on account of his prementioned uselessness to the public he was supposedly serving and that other thing. The “other thing” being how he killed a girl and got away with it.

Since the news media has been respectful of the murder and not dwelled on it since it happened or since news of Kennedys death was released this morning, people have been taking to teh Googlez to find out more and indeed the second and 4th most searched term on the search engine is the Chappaquiddick “incident” and the 5th highest is the girl who died there.


At first I was going to just show the top 5, but then I saw 2 more in the 26-33 column to the right, so I included that also just for context.

It was a long time ago… though there isn’t really a statute of limitations on murder (or to be fair: “involuntary endangerment of life that only turned into manslaughter when the suspect leaves the victim to die a horrible death and doesn’t tell the police until the next day”).

swimmerkennedyIn 1969, on the little island of Chappaquiddick on Martha’s Vineyard, Ted Kennedy was leaving a party, driving drunk with a 28-year-old girl he was banging and probably impregnated (oops) named Mary Jo Kopechn. He drove right off a frigging bridge and into the water but was able to escape the overturned vehicle and swim to safety… and then said oh well and went home probably to do a line of coke and masturbate. Wait, what happened to Mary Jo? Ya, she friggin drowned in the car and Kennedy not only left the scene of the accident, but didn’t say nuthin to nobody until Kopechne’s body was discovered the following day. Fortunately, there’s a happy ending for everyone who didn’t die that night: Kennedy apologized and denied being drunk or banging Mary Jo, was never indicted, and the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court accepted the request by Kennedys lawyers for the inquest on the matter to be conducted in secret.

Even though they found that a lot of Kennedys claims were not true and that he was at fault, nothing happened and Kennedy easily sailed to re-election as senator the following year, and every year since then.

Radio host Mark Levin told the story last month:

In 2004, I posted this video from the short lived Spike TV cartoon This Just In that references the crash at the end:

Don’t drive with Ted Kennedy!!!!

UPDATE: Former editor of Newsweek and New York Times Magazine, one of Kennedy’s close friends, Ed Klein, tells something called the Diane Rehm Show that Chappaquiddick jokes were high up on the list. full audio of the show here. The line comes at 30:10, or you can just listen to this little wow-moment isolated in the clip below:

I don’t know if you know this or not, but one of his favorite topics of humor was indeed Chappaquiddick itself. And he would ask people, “have you heard any new jokes about Chappaquiddick?” That is just the most amazing thing. It’s not that he didn’t feel remorse about the death of Mary Jo Kopechne, but that he still always saw the other side of everything and the ridiculous side of things, too.

Ted Kennedy: I wanna like him, but…wtf

Out at dinner tonight, the subject of Ted Kennedy came up and I realized that he’s pretty douchie and useless as an American politician.

Throughout the years I always thought he was a pretty cool dude, seemed happy and decent enough and his critics always seemed over the line to me.

I never understood wtf Sean Hannity was whining about when I’d listen to him on the radio bring up Ted friggin Kennedy as an attack target. I could never understand how the hell this dude could be thought of as so relevant by people like Hannity. Likewise with Limbaugh, who would often refer to him as “the swimmer” (though I haven’t heard him make such references in a few years) and show Photoshopped pictures of the senator in a snorkel mask on his website (referring to that one time when he killed a girl he was having an affair with by driving off a bridge into 8 feet of water, drunk, one night and then leaving the scene to let her drown to death and only coming forward after police found the body). I always had a “dude. come on. it was a long ass time ago, give the guy a fkking break” about it. But now… not so much.

It was back a few months when Kennedy suggested a Portugese water dog for the Obama’s new pet when I realized my attitude on the “swimmer” jokes were starting to shift. Then I found out that Kennedy has one of the dogs himself and its named Splash and my WTF couldn’t be held back. Notsomuch because if you kill a girl by drowning that you then should never be able to have water-related things in your life and maintain decency, but because the hateful lefty fringe hippies would make exactly that rule if Kennedy was a Republican. That kind of double standard is just annoying.

Speaking of double standards: Kennedy is demonstrating his non-principalled political hackery douchiness, that bothers me notsomuch because it exists – cuz duh, politics – but because he is not called out and ridiculed by the mainstream watchdogs (paging John Stewart).

Seriously though, check this out: Kennedy wants his home state Legislature to take back a law it passed 2004 – at his urging – that stripped away the governor’s longstanding power to temporarily fill a Senate vacancy. He urged the change in law because the other Massechesettes senator was John Kerry and he was running for president at the time, which meant that if he won, he would obviously leave the senate and the governor would appoint his replacement. The problem with that was that Republican Mitt Romney was governor; and Kennedy didn’t want him to appoint a republican, so naturally he lobbied state Democrats to change the law so that Romney couldn’t name Kerry’s successor.

They followed his advice with gusto. When the final vote took place, the Boston Globe reported, “hooting and hollering broke out on the usually staid House floor,’’ and House Speaker Thomas Finneran acknowledged candidly: “It’s a political deal. It’s very raw politics.’’

It still is. Now that Massachusetts has a Democratic governor, Kennedy is lobbying to restore the gubernatorial power to name an interim appointee. That would guarantee Democrats in Washington two reliable Senate votes from Massachusetts, even if Kennedy isn’t there to cast one of them.

Ridiculous. Kennedy needs to GO. Not from the earth, (he has brain cancer and should live and be well for many more years – just not in the United States government), but from the frigging senate. He’s useless. He does nothing positive. He’s just a political bullying hack and should be consistant for once and LEAVE.

If Kennedy is sincere – if his chief concern is that Massachusetts not be left for months without the services of a full-time senator – then he should do the right thing right now: He should resign.

For well over a year, Massachusetts has not had the “two voices . . . and two votes in the Senate’’ that Kennedy says its voters are entitled to. Sickness has kept him away from Capitol Hill for most of the last 15 months. He has missed all but a handful of the 270 roll-calls taken in the Senate so far this year. Through no fault of his own, he is unable to carry out the job he was reelected to in 2006. As a matter of integrity, he should bow out and allow his constituents to choose a replacement.

There’s a reason Mayor Quimby, the lying, cheating, philandering, corrupt, career politician from the Simpsons has a Boston accent – he is a Kennedy parody. And we don’t need any Mayor freakin Quimbys in our real life government.

Ted Kennedy sucks and should go away from public “service” and enjoy retirement in the private sector while he struggles with his unfortunate disease.

UPDATE: While I was writing this blog, Ted Kennedy succumbed to the deterioration his brain cancer was taking and died at the age of 77.


Investigators Identified Murdered Model by Serial Numbers on Breast Implants

100% awful: Jasmine Fiore, a former Playboy model who was found dead in a suitcase with her fingers and teeth removed, has been identified by her breast implants.

And as if to follow one of those “whats gross? – whats grosser than gross?” black humor jokes, the parents of Ryan Jenkins, the fugitive millionaire reality TV star sought in connection with the murder, have been accused of helping him to evade capture.

Also, if you’re trying to find her Playboy pictures, you’re out of luck because although she worked for Playboy in various capacities, she was never a centerfold and never posed nude for the magazine or any of its representations online or in print.

Fiore’s body was found in a trash bin in Buena Park, Orange County, (about 20 miles south-east of Los Angeles). Her frigging teeth had been pulled out and her fingers cut off, apparently to prevent the body from being identified. Investigators used the serial numbers on her breast implants to identify her, a spokesman for the Orange County’s district attorney’s office said.

And the murder suspect only makes it weirder more wtf-ish…

Authorities believe Mr Jenkins, a millionaire property developer who appeared on the VH1 show “Megan Wants a Millionaire”, fled via car, boat and on foot to enter his native Canada.

Investigators said his father’s private jet flew from Honduras to the US around the time Mr Jenkins made his escape.

They believe he has been in contact with his mother, who lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, and, despite the international manhunt, she has allegedly been assisting him.

I feel like we skipped over this just a little too quickly. Reminder: “The victim had been badly beaten, all of her fingers had been cut off, and all of her teeth had been forcibly removed,” said a statement from the California prosecutors…

Now the suspect boyfriend found dead. ug…

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The whitest “Black icon” there was

Marc Lamont Hill is too bright a guy to be peddling this bad of a race-based FAIL. as O’Reo opined: dude lives his life non-culturally black, bleaches his skin white and chooses to in vitro 3 kids with 2 white parents and he’s a “Black icon”? um. how bout an “American icon” since there’s zero things “black” about him beyond his DNA.

Tonight O’Reilly read an e-mail from someone asking if Elvis is a white icon since his music crossed racial lines too. the answer is of course NO because that would be racist and reta–wait a tick…