Ebert clarifies Jackass drunk death Tweet

Commenting on the news that “Jackass” star Ryan Dunn and two others were killed in a car crash at 3AM, Roger Ebert tweeted the following yesterday afternoon:

“Friends don’t let jackasses drink and drive.”

Some were angry with the judgement call.

Today, Ebert backed off and somewhat apologized:

I don’t know what happened in this case, and I was probably too quick to tweet. That was unseemly. I do know that nobody has any business driving on a public highway at 110 mph, as some estimated — or fast enough, anyway, to leave a highway and fly through 40 yards of trees before crashing. That is especially true if the driver has had three shots and three beers. Two people were killed. What if the car had crashed into another car?

Something called “Hollywoodland” on Breitbarts Big Hollywood site disapproved of this (my guess is because Ebert is a big liberal and Big Hollywood is a Conservative outfit) first setting it up with “Before knowing for sure if alcohol contributed to the awful car crash…” and then posting the tweet and elaboration, going on to say:

There’s a time and place for this discussion. No doubt about that. But before stepping onto your sanctimonius soapbox, it’s a good idea to know the facts.

Blah blah. Eberts original tweet may have jumped to a (very logical) conclusion at a not-s0-tactful time, but his followup is crushingly valid. We’re all allowed to publicly comment our opinions on public news items concerning public people and everyone else is allowed to say it’s wrong or in bad taste or whatever they think, but factually, it’s difficult to argue with Ebert on this one.

Lohan cries in court

? Li-Lo, Li-Lo, it’s off to jail you go… ?Lindsay Lohan is facing three months behind bars after she violated her 3-year-long probation on a drunk driving charge. In 2007 the actress pleaded guilty to misdemeanor drug charges and three driving charges and spent 84 minutes in prison before her release. A judge in California said Lohan had failed to attend court-ordered alcohol education classes. The actress burst into tears as the verdict was announced. The surrender date is July 20, 2010.

Good for you Judge Judy lady judge… it’s so bizarre to see Lohans defense of why she didn’t comply with the loose terms of her probation because “i was working” and “with children” no less. then when the ruling is read she does the whole “are you serious??” shock reaction. jail?? for breaking the law that was placed on me after i was allowed to not go to jail after breaking the law?? omfg!!!11. on the other hand though, i think its really fkked up that news cameras are allowed in the court room. seems like a big invasion of privacy (says the guy who embeds the video directly the below this sentence)…

not enough for you? here’s the extended footage. 11 minutes of…yikesness…