Non-Chicago Olympics & the end of the World

Obama dealt with the fact that Chicago is a crime ridden ghetto shithole with a deft and brilliant strategy: Shhhhhhhhhh.

Back in Obama’s adopted hometown of Chicago, Illinois, some members of the black community are incensed at the president for not personally speaking out about the murder of Derrion Albert, a 16-year-old boy who was beaten to death last week in a predominantly African-American neighborhood.

What really set them off was that Obama, in an awkward case of bad timing, instead flew to Copenhagen to pitch Chicago to the International Olympics Committee as the ideal city to host the games in 2016. And as it turned out, it didn’t put Chicago over the top. The city didn’t even make it to the final round in Friday’s voting.

Chicago did not deserve the Olympics. Really, no other city in America deserved it either, but Chicago super-double didn’t deserve it.

What exactly made anyone think that our nations top 3 competitor for “most violent and crime ridden city” would be an awesome choice worthy of hosting the Olympics? Of course, Rio has a huge drug and crime problem, but that’s on the Olympic committee. I’m pointing my “wtf, really?” finger back at America and American’s who thought a non-Chicago Olympics was a bad thing.

Judging from what’s being said on talk radio, Web sites and blogs frequented by residents of Chicago, the fact that Obama put the Olympics ahead of responding to the breakdown of the social order in Chi-Town is a slap in the face.

Just yesterday, a self-identified African-American called into “The Rush Limbaugh Show” and complained about how Obama flew off to “a foreign country” while black kids in Chicago are being consumed by violence. The caller wondered when other African-Americans were going to realize that Obama wasn’t like them, because he’s an elitist living an extraordinary life and breathing rarified air.

That sentiment was all over black-oriented blogs. One blogger wrote: “More children died violent deaths in Chicago this year than in any other city in America. But all Obama cares about is bringing the Olympics to a city where basic services like water, sanitation and power often don’t work. … If Chicago does win the bid there will be plenty of police and National Guard on hand to protect the international visitors. That’s more than they are willing to do for their own residents.”

Despite Michelle Obama’s assurance that the violent crime in Chicago ain’t no biggie… erm, it’s kindov a biggie.


And then there’s the question of whether 2012 deserves your movie-going patronage or not. Some critics, basing only on the trailer, saying not:

It looked, however, as if the CGI experts have been given a completely free hand designing this apocalypse – with the net result that the trailer bordered on laughable.

Then the second trailer hit, which starts with a peaceful domestic scene between Cusack and Peet and ends up showing us more of that dramatic plane ride through a city which plunges into the depths of Hell as they fly by

Critics in the U.S. are already beginning to describe the movie as a disaster in itself.

The OTT effects and over-dramatic story has come in for some criticism even before the film hits the big screen.

If the trailer is anything to go by, we’re likely to see every kind of disaster imaginable, all crammed into one big turkey of a film created by a director reknowned for his overboard use of effects.

One critic says of the trailer: ‘The 2012 The Worst is Over Movie Clip that recently found its way online is full of the absurd action and grand special effects audiences have come to expect from a Roland Emmerich film.

”At the beginning of the clip we are given a glimpse of the Curtis’ family dynamic present in 2012. As the clip continues, the delivered action is so over-the-top it almost looks like an cartoon.’

Chicago doesn’t get to lose millions hosting Olympics (aww)

I hate to lol at peoples failures, but… LOL… The president, the first lady and even Oprah showed up to make the pitch for Chicago to be selected as host for the Olympics; it was whispered that Obama knew he had it in the bag and that was the reason he made the special trip to advocate for his home city; the much needed victory was on its way to be delivered to the administration; Chicago was to get some pay-back for giving the world the YesWeCan president… and it ended up being the very first city eliminated.

Clearly this means that the Olympics are total raaaacists, right?

Further Schadenfreude:



Michael Phelps set to be swimming Scrooge McDuck style in piles of money

Ya, he’s going to take up business operation of hometown swimming club, but the business tie-ins and endorsements that await him are going to be fantazmagoracle. Check out what he’s pocketed just in BONUSES for gosh sake:

Phelps collected $480,000 from USA Swimming and another $200,000 from the U.S. Olympic Committee for his record eight gold medals in Beijing. Had Phelps been born 9,000 miles away in Singapore, he might have pocketed S$8 million ($5.6 million) from the most bonus-friendly national sports body.

How much is a Phelps endorsement worth you ask?…

“Michael Phelps would be worth $40 or $50 million to Nike,” said Howard Bloom, who teaches sports management at Algonquin College in Ottawa and has worked with several Olympic athletes, “He could literally allow them to launch a massive swimwear company, and I think you are going to see an incredible bidding war for him.

And if that isn’t nuts enough for you, how about this tidbit courtesy of Phelps’ agent Peter Carlisle.

“What is the value of eight golds in Beijing before a prime-time audience in the U.S? I’d say $100 million over the course of his lifetime.

Though the source is skeptical, the numbers can’t be too far off…

Exit question: Does Sports Illustrated hate Mr Phelps? How else do you explain them using the worst picture of him ever, EVER?…