Slutty prom dress gets girl escorted out in cuffs

Marche Taylor’s prom night experience wasn’t quite the norm. That’s because a night of dancing and hanging out with friends ended in a confrontation with school officials over her choice of apparel.

When will people stop using the “its no more revealing than a bikini” excuse? The amount of skin showing is way not the point, but even if it was – bikini’s are not appropriate attire for proms. This, as you can see is basically some silk ribbon crisscrossed over the boobs with a separate skirt with a prince Kuzco tail.

She was taken from her prom in handcuffs because she had no underwear on, which, if you look at the material the “dress” is made out of, pretty much meant she was naked with gold layered over boobs.

Myea… look at that picture to the right. That’s some definite see through, slash nipple action.

Too bad we don’t get to see her date if she had one.

The real sad part of the video is not that she tried to go to prom looking like a prostitute, but that in a head cropped shot of her, she looks rather elegant and pretty… and then she speaks. and the public school system strikes again. axin questions an evereythen. unfortunate 🙁