Ann Coulter’s “Muffins”

What is Ann Coulter saying here that the Producers of the Fox News show Red Eye thought they needed to bleep out with the word “muffin”? Blowjob? Handjob? Cleveland Steamer? Tokyo Sandblaster? what?

Looking for answers I found that Coulter mentioned this on her website:

The link goes to this page which offers the following summary of the segment, but no insight to the mystery word:

Each of Gutfeld’s “Red Eye” panelists also added their thoughts on potential hate crimes charges. Actor and comedian Michael McDonald, formerly of “MADtv” fame, likened this horrific scene to a game of “politically correct poker.”

“To me, I don’t know – regarding the whole hate crime thing, I sort of think it is good intentions with horrible results, yet again,” he said. “And to me making things a hate crime – it’s a little bit like playing a game of politically correct poker where like, ‘I see your two disadvantaged black girls and I give a transgender girl.’”

Nick Gillespie, editor of and worried the precedent set by hate crime laws erodes at the privacy of individuals.

“First off, I do think that this is the type of thing we expected from an Arby’s or a Hardees crowd – not a McDonald’s,” Gillespie said. “And also I’m sure the girls worked off the total calories of that meal. But yeah, hate crime legislation is bad because we don’t need to give cops or law enforcement more reason to pry into people’s minds and to screw with people. I mean, you see it out there. You know, they should be arrested and tried for beating somebody senseless and let it go with that.”

Finally, conservative pundit and author of the forthcoming book “Demonic: How the Lib Mob is Endangering America,” Ann Coulter had the most succinct one-liner of the segment.

“No, the beating was one of the grossest things I’ve ever seen,” Coulter said. “It’s the most disturbing on-air performance by a black woman since ‘Precious.’”

She added that the way things have progressed, we are emerged in a society where if you have victim status, you have clout and power.

Octomom man-baby fetish whipping pictures

Nadya Suleman, the lady who had 8 kids at one time (Octomom) might be in trouble with Social Services. Because she can’t support any of her kids and is on welfare? No, silly – Because there are photos of her whipping a grown man dressed as a baby…. wait, wtf? Evidently it’s part of a non-sex porn kinda weirdo video thing..something.. and Nadya whips the dude in the diaper, so much so he has welts on his back. The video is being shopped for sale and TMZ says that both Nadya and the dude have signed the model release so it can be sold.

Deceiver explains: I guess when you’re getting your fraudulent ass handed to you by Suze Orman on daytime TV, about to lose your house (for reals), and all that’s standing between you and the welfare line is a box of Boca Burgers, there’s really nothing more an Octomom can do to delay the inevitable. And the inevitable is porn — mommy-dominatrix, soft-core fetish porn, apparently. Because . . . well, I guess there’s a market for everything these days.

Photos of Nadya Suleman, aka Octomom, whipping a grown man dressed as a baby may be pushing the boundaries of good taste, but will it also be setting her up for a visit from Social Services?

Terry Lynn Fisher, public information officer for the Orange County Social Services Agency, would not comment to FOX411 on whether Suleman is currently being investigated as a result of the raunchy photos. But she said certain parameters must be met for an investigation to be initiated.

“Allegations of abuse or neglect must rise to the legal level and descriptions of abuse or neglect,” Fisher explains to “Having said that, all of our social workers take all child abuse reports very seriously and they respond appropriately within the parameters of the law.”

The photos, obtained by, show Suleman dressed in a tight leather corset, whipping mustachioed LA radio personality Tattoo, who is sporting diapers, baby bonnet and a bib.

Read more…

To sex or not to sex

Right after Newsweek informed us that Seniors are having a lot of sex, Steven Crowder, a Christian conservative online video maker (or something?) and Fox News contributor writes a column for titled Why NOT having sex may be good for you. and yes, it’s about abstinence.

While Christians telling us how awesome it is to not have sex strikes a lot of us as… awkward.. Crowder weathers the subject in a decent manner, mostly by noting that it is America’s last taboo. Advocate anything you want or advocate NOT doing anything you want, but if it’s sex, then you make people uncomfortable and are subject to a higher scorn. Dude has a point there.

The best line of the column is an observation I’ve made myself (hence why it’s the best), which is that liberals exempt sex from their list of things they feel obligated and entitled to scold you for doing or legally prevent you from doing. -and I don’t say that as a knock against liberals, as it should be noted that I have no problem scolding or legally preventing people from doing things I judge in my own infinite wisdom to be bad for them individually or society at large, thus I agree with a lot of the fatty food regulations, calorie restrictions, soda bans, smoking bans, etc. Intellectual honesty just requires that I point out the contradiction in my sides advocacy:

Sure, Michelle Obama can run around the country and condemn little fatties for inhaling Little Debbies, but if you try and apply that same helpful, healthful concept to sex, it’s seen as pushy and/or prudish.

It’s a logically sound and solid statement. yet still.. passionate advocates of abstinence still creep me out.

Listen, one doesn’t need to be religious (nor a rocket scientist) to see the value of abstinence. Let’s disregard the immediately eliminated risk of increasingly popular STD’ and STI’s. Heck, let’s even discount the statistical data showing that sexual exclusivity seems overwhelmingly conducive to a successful marriage .Abstinence also provides an incomparable bond of trust in a relationship.

Yes, I admit it, I’m in a long-term relationship and I’m abstinent. Scandalous, I know. It’s an incredibly difficult thing to do (mostly for me, because she’s way out of my league), and that’s what makes it so important.

Okay, I like that. got to admit. I think it’s sweet. and I think its even sweeter that my now infant, future bride is preparing to save herself for me in the 10-20 years from now when we wed.

Crowder appeared on Red Eye to talk about his column and the subject at large and the result is pure awesome. Red Eye airs at 3AM eastern on the Fox News Channel and it’s pretty much the best show on cable news.

The creepy leering glare by Crowder in the videos freezeshot is just a bonus:

When trying to decode why I am not on Crowders side of the issue, especially when I acknowledge that he makes multiple solid points, I figured it all comes down to the quote from the clip that “ya, i’m at a higher risk of getting an STD. i’m also at a higher risk of having fun”.

It’s juvenile, but its lulz worthy. and true.

Sperm bank depositors earning $1,000 a month

This isn’t an option for me but I totally encourage all the males reading this to go ahead and make the easy cash by doing this. I can’t because my future wife is probably a toddler right now or not born yet, so if I ever grace a sperm bank with my seed, I would only have 19 years from that date to freely date younger girls without having to check if she’s my daughter or not. It extra sucks too since the world definitely deserves more Richard. I wish there was a way to make a lot of offspring with multiple gene-worthy partners without the deal-breakers of:

1) anonymous donation equating to possible daughter being released into the wild for me to unintentionally prey upon.

2) societal stigma of having a different baby momma for each of my 13 babies.

3) the possibility of said future child rising to defeat me.

But like I said: for the rest of you, you should totally do it, especially if you’re a Viking. It’s not QUITE as easy as dropping off a vile of baby batter into a Blockbuster drop-box though…

It’s not free money, says Scott Brown, head of communications. Donors must be at least 5 feet 9 inches tall and enrolled in — or have a degree from — a four-year university. Plus, they have to pass an assortment of genetic and medical tests, screenings, not to mention an investigation into their family’s medical history to look for the early onset of heart disease, cancer, etc.

“We joke that it’s easier to get into Harvard than to get accepted in our program,” says Brown. That’s funny because it’s true — Brown estimates that only 1% of all the applications are accepted. Harvard’s acceptance rate this year was 6.9%.

Most of California Cryobank’s donors stick with it for about a year and a half, donating once or twice per week, according to Brown. Each time they donate, they’re asked to abstain from sex for 48 hours beforehand and they get $100 per donation. The sperm bank mostly recruits at colleges, and many of its donors are students at Stanford University, Harvard University, University of California at Los Angeles and so on.

Kids slut it up for Beyonce’s ‘Single Ladies’ (VIDEO)

Earlier this week, a YouTube video surfaced from The World of Dance competition in which a group of young — and I mean really young — girls wearing midriff-baring tops, short skirts and black stockings dance to Beyonce’s ‘Single Ladies.’ The dance troupe, called Precision Dance, hails from Orange County, and definitely “put a ring on it” during the competition in Pomona on April 10.

I clicked on this expecting a horrifying and heart breaking sexualization of children that will seriously mess with their heads, send horrible messages to the rest of society and generally add another block to a counter-culture wall that can only end badly. then it started and I was like “oh, its not that bad”. then i got a better look at the stripper outfits and went back to the “this is awful” position. but then when you see that there’s actual talent here – and there is – you just get confused. By way of talent and pizazz, these kids are friggin, not, playing. dayum.

So then my position on it becomes annoyance that the parents responsible for this allowed the controversy to happen at all. who the fuck thought these costumes were a good idea? you ruined it. fail. stupid. wtf moron. you have kids who can rock a dance move to a contemporary song that ya, might get some scrutiny over the bumping and gyrating but its not overt and there isn’t anything clearly with sexual intent so fine – but why.the.fkk. did you put them in Vegas showgirl costumes? why did you turn an otherwise awesome and adorable performance into a pedophile spank session? You are an idiot.

Looking for answers, I found that the parents had in fact responded to the controversy over the video:

Melissa Presch, the mom of one little dancer and Cory Miller, the father of another child in the group spoke to Inside Edition about the controversy. “I’m shocked, quite frankly, that people would suggest such things and say such things about 8 and 9 year old girls,” said Melissa Presch claiming the girls got their moves from the ‘Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel’ movie — not Beyonce’s music video.

Then why weren’t the girls wearing Chipmunk costumes, yeh dummy? You can’t play the innocent-dance-move-origins card if you’re going to dress your child performers like burlesque dancers? Wtf, brah. Just because the dance moves were allegedly in a PG kids movie doesn’t mean they are automatically appropriate, but in this case she’s right. the dance moves aren’t inherently suggestive. but the costumes are, you dumb whore. when you’re wearing tassels and short shorts and tops, ANY hip movement in any direction is going to have sexual connotations.

The stupidity of this woman in her super-serious pseudo-SHOCK that others “would say such things about 8 and 9 year old girls” is a dosage of obnoxious that could produce enough vomit to feed a dozen dogs for a dozen days. The idiot father who similarly brushes off the charges of sexualization as “nah, when you look at it as a father, you’re just proud of your kids” is a level of WTF that would make even Japan say WTF – and Japan is the epicenter of WTF.

Dude: its about presentation. ya, thats great that you’re not getting a boner over your daughters stripper routine – we’re all very proud of you – but why are you not the least bit concerned about her being pedophile bait? Not “jailbait” – which is a post-puberty young adult below the age of 18 – PED-O-PHILE-BAAAIT. God you’re so gross.

“She doesn’t really know what she’s doing” is not a justification any more than the guy who told Cartman he could get a ton of free Sea Monkeys if he just closed his eyes and sucked through a tube. he goes on to say “even certain parts of the dance weren’t even choreographed to be [soft core porn]”.

thanks dad. great to know.

Such a waste.

Final Thought: as frighteningly nutballs it is that that parents are this willfully blind and as unfortunate it is that these talented kids had to have an otherwise kick-ass performance get ruined by the taint of skankdom – at least it is a safe bet that the ones that grow up to be hot in 7-10 years will be preconditioned to have low inhibitions and will be unprotected by watchful parents. so. at least there’s that…

Pregnant Teenagers

16 and Pregnant on MTV remains awesomely hilarious, but I’m not cold to the tragic aspects of teen pregnancy. People say it’s not like they were TRYING to get pregnant but really they’re all “trying” through carelessness. several times i have used an actual hammer to beat out sore back muscles, hit too hard and bruised myself. do i deserve sympathy because i wasnt TRYING to get hurt? all i wanted was to feel good. what, is there another, safer way to do it or something?

I dont know why sex is so poorly taught to young people. teens will always err on the side of danger if it most benefits them and we know this. thats why they bring in mangled cars and pictures of splattered brains caused by drunk drivers into high schools – to illustrate the whole “hey, i know you were told not to do this, but.. now im gonna make it real since youre young/stupid and punchdrunk with chemical changes”. why do we go through such lengths to get teens to not drink and do drugs but the approach on sex is “hey now, its not good y’knowz. but if you’re gonna do it, here’s how i can make it really easy for you”? a good “this is what happens and this is what life is like” edu-talk in every school would do wonders and isnt even controversial. wtf america.

the end result of “if theyre gonna do it, we want them to do it safely” is best approached by not phrasing it that way. we dont talk like that with any other behavior we want to detour outside of drugs[/alch] & sex. we dont say “dont cut your arms when you fight with your parents, BUT IF YOU DO… slice horizontal, not vertical”. teens arent ignorant about how sex works. aside from the health and biology aspects, they all know what goes where just like they understand that cars go fast when you press on the gas and people who are drunk have impaired reaction skills. instead of trying to teach young adults out of bad decisions by oddly and falsely assuming that the more they know about the mechanics of the “car” (in this case, their body) the less likely they’ll do things they’re told not to, we should be teaching them into the reality of those decisions, like the likelihood and the actual details of the risk if you lose the gamble, since ignorance on THOSE – not ovulation and seaman production – are the real problem.

I wish my girlfriend could comment on this but she’s grounded from the internet for another week. ill ask her later though when i pick her up from cheer practice.

Study proves: Smokers are stupid

Actually it just showed that Smokers Have Lower IQs Than Non-Smokers, but I’m going with the words “proof” and “stupid”, cuz duh.

Cigarettes are the only drug type substance people get hooked on that starts with a horrible experience. You do heroine or wine coolers and anything in between and you’re like “dude, this is AWESOME” or at least “ya, this is giving me what I want enough to keep doing this”, but with smoking it’s horrible for everyone. You cough, it hurts – everyone reports bad first try’s, yet they are stupid enough to force themselves to get hooked and dependent on this expensive life shortening and quality-of-life decreasing product. Good one…idiots.

According to the investigators, 28 percent of the study participants smoked at least one cigarette a day, around 3 percent said they were ex-smokers, and 68 percent had never smoked.

The smokers had significantly lower intelligence test scores than non-smokers, and this remained true even after the researchers accounted for socioeconomic status as measured by how many years of formal education a recruit’s father had completed.

The average IQ for non-smokers was about 101, while it was 94 for men who had started smoking before entering the military. IQ steadily dropped as the number of cigarettes smoked increased, from 98 for people who smoked one to five cigarettes daily to 90 for those who smoked more than a pack a day. IQ scores from 84 to 116 are considered to indicate average intelligence.

Recruits aren’t allowed to smoke while intelligence tests are administered, the researchers note, so it’s possible that withdrawal symptoms might affect smokers’ scores. To address this issue, they also looked at IQ scores for men who were non-smokers when they were 18 but started smoking during their military service. These men also scored lower than never-smokers (97 points, on average), “indicating that nicotine withdrawal was probably not the cause of the difference,” the researchers say.

The researchers also compared IQs for 70 pairs of brothers in the group in which one brother smoked and the other did not. Again, average IQs for the non-smoking sibling were higher than for the smokers.

This French anti-smoking ad campaign (whats next? German anti-bratwurst commercials?) says the message nicely.. Continue reading Study proves: Smokers are stupid

Males are visually stimulated. Females, NotSoMuch

Women have hard times with generalizations (things that are generally) for some reason (this sentence is an example) so before anyone thinks the title is inaccurate because they get lady-boners all the time over big muscles – stop right there because you’re 2 layers of wrong already. Female visual stimulation is not non-existant – it just has so much less than 1% resemblance

I’m super tired of explaining this to you people as I have been for years. Luckily, best-selling author and nationally syndicated radio talk show host Dennis Prager is undertaking exactly this specific issue in one of his Prager University videos on male/female differences. The male preoccupation with the visual is the first topic raised and it is one that every female needs to learn. NEEDS. The domino effect of other realizations and understandings this knowledge will afford a female brain cannot be understated.

One of the services the video does is it reiterates a point I have been trying to cram into dumb girls dense skulls since 8th grade: What you think is “looking pretty” is in fact, to a guy, “advertising your sex”. When you wear short, low cut, tight things, no male is looking at you and thinking “gosh, she sure is pretty and/or has a great sense of color and style” more than he thinks “gosh, that sure is an artistically looking cut of beef” when he see’s a thick medium-rare Ribeye being sliced on a commercial for Outback Steakhouse. Dennis says this effect on men is impossible for women to understand. He’s probably right. But it is important for a ladies healthy development that she try her damnedest. It will make her more prudent, more happy and be a better wife or girlfriend.

He also briefly mentions strip clubs vs male strip clubs, which is the biggest “duh” ever, that it shows how illogical a females thinking is when I hear the two compared as if they were equal. Please… Male strip clubs are for gay guys and bachelorette party jokes. It’s hilarious for young women to see men strip for their entertainment and its mentally satisfying for middle aged (and older) women to see the younger men that used to be chasing them strip – neither goes out with the girls to see dudes dance as a turn-on and no female goes to these places alone because, like i said, its a gag. It’s the reason Girls Gone Wild is a billion dollar industry and Guys Gone Wild is a one-tape humor-based parody. Open your eyes people… The only reason anyone is dumb enough to equate male and female sexual nature is that college professors are dumb enough to believe it, and America has a hard time understanding how educated people can believe stupidly obvious untruths.

Prager has many more of these 5 minute condensed semesters over at

Rare bird slaps BBC reporter while humping his head

Deep in the jungles, 2 BBC nature reporters find the rare kakapo, which you’ll all recognize as of course “the old night parrot of New Zealand”, whatever the hell that means. At first I read that as the “only night parrot” and that appeared to make sense. but. nope. its the “old” one.

Old or not, the dude likes rough sex, complete with clawing and face slapping. hot.

Fry and zoologist Mark Carwardine have been tracking down some of the most endangered animals on the planet in a six-part series.

Letterman affair illustrates male/female difference

Men and Women alike often have a hard time understanding that females are not visually stimulated, sexually. I blame this mostly on the brainwash of college and culture that lies to kids and tells them there are no differences between the sexes and teaches them a black-and-white idiotic philosophy against generalizations (things that are generally true).

The David Letterman “I know you had sex with employee’s” blackmail attempt illustrates this as one of the girls, a former intern named
Holly Hester comes forward about her affair with the Late Nite host.

David Letterman is hot

“I was madly in love with him at the time,” said Hester. “I would have married him. He was hilarious.” It all started in 1990 when Letterman asked her out on a date to see a movie and the secret romance (/affair? he’s been with the mother of his child since 1989. no word on if they had gone on a “break” the year of 1990), until the funnyman called it off because of their age difference (chicks half your age are only good for one thing, and that thing isn’t “long term relationship that ends in marriage”).

So she was “madly in love” with him… because “he was hilarious”… Can you imagine for a second a man saying that about a woman? of course not, Captain Rhetorical. Not in a comparable circumstance (obviously). If the woman is Sarah Silverman, then that’s not quite the same as a 62 year old David Letterman, now is it.